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Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund

All Projects and Subprojects Funded 1991 - current with Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund and other funds with LCMR/LCCMR oversight

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For additional information about location of project impact, please see LCCMR's region map and the ENRTF land acquisition map.

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Total Dollars
Sub Project Dollars
Ag Forestry Mining
Biological Diversity
Educational Outreach
Historical Preservation
Invasive Species
Natural Areas Habitat
Natural Resource
Information Planning
Renewable Energy
Water Resources
Project Impact Area
199506hn/aThree Rivers Initiative Science Museum of Minnesota$750,000$0x
199705en/aWhite Oak Learning Center Environmental Awareness through History White Oak Society Inc$120,000$0x
199705fn/aHistorical and Cultural Museum on Vermilion Lake Indian Reservation Bois Forte Reservation$100,000$0xxx
199705gn/aNative American Perspective of the Historic North Shore Grand Portage Reservation Tribal Council$60,000$0xx
199506in/aInteractive Computer Exhibit on Minnesota Renewable Energy Sources Midwest Office of the Izaak Walton League of America$150,000$0x
199506jn/aTrees for Teens: Training, Resources, Education, Employment, Service Twin Cities Tree Trust$75,000$0x
200904e3dn/aHCP VI - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$420,000xxxxxxStatewide
199706bn/aNitrate Education and Testing Minnesota Department of Agriculture$150,000$0xx
199506kn/aRedwood Falls School District #637 Environmental Education Project Redwood Falls School District$250,000$0x
199506ln/aTogether Outdoors Minnesota Wilderness Inquiry$575,000$0x
199506mn/aEnhanced Natural Resource Opportunities for Asian-Pacific Minnesotans MN DNR$150,000$0x
201903gn/aMapping Habitat Use and Disease of Urban CarnivoresU of MN$500,000$0xxMetro
201403kn/aReducing Lake Quality Impairments through Citizen ActionFreshwater Society$59,000$0xxxCentral
199506nn/aDeliver Ecological Information and Technical Assistance to Local Governments MN DNR$100,000$0x
201903ln/aMapping Aquatic Habitats for MooseU of MN$199,000$0xxxNE
200104en/aRestoring Minnesota's Fish and Wildlife Habitat Corridors Pheasants Forever Inc$11,745,000$0xxxxxxx
199506on/aNonpoint Source Pollution Public Education Demonstration Project City of Saint Paul$100,000$0xx
199506pn/aWhitetail Deer Resource Center MN Deer Hunters Association$50,000$0x
201903pn/aUnlocking the Science of Minnesota's Moose DeclineMinnesota Zoo$199,000$0xxStatewide
200704bn/aMinnesota's Habitat Corridors Partnership - Phase IV Pheasants Forever Inc$4,200,000$0xxxxxxx
199105gn/aUpper Mississippi River Environmental Education Center - CANCELLED City of Winona$600,000$0x
199904kn/aInterpretive Boat Tours of Hill Annex Mine State Park State Park Development and Acquisitions$60,000$0xx
201008gn/aIntegrating Environmental and Outdoor Education in Grades 7-12 Minnesota Department of Education$300,000$0xxStatewide
199506rn/aNey Environmental Center * Le Sueur County$100,000$0x
199506sn/aLawndale Environmental Center *   Lawndale Environmental Foundation$400,000$0x
199707dn/aPrairie-Grassland Landscapes MN DNR$125,000$0xxxx
199105hn/aUrban Rangers Program Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board$100,000$0x
200905en/aCitizen-Based Stormwater Management Metro Blooms$279,000$0xxxMetro
199110en/aLocal Geographic Information System Project International Coalition for Land and Water$143,000$0xx
201405en/aAssessing Species Vulnerability to Climate Change Using PhenologyU of MN$175,000$0xxxxStatewide
201405fn/aMinnesota Breeding Bird Atlas - Final PhaseAudubon Minnesota$300,000$0xxStatewide
199905cn/aGibbs Farm Museum Interpretation Ramsey County Historical Society$150,000$0xx
200306jn/aFt. Ridgely Historic Site Interpretive Trail Minnesota Historical Society$150,000$0xxx
201405j1n/aImperiled Prairie Butterfly Conservation, Research, and Breeding ProgramMinnesota Zoological Garden MN DNR$380,000$0xxxCentral, NW, SW
201405j2n/aImperiled Prairie Butterfly Conservation, Research, and Breeding ProgramMinnesota Zoological Garden MN DNR$245,000$0xxxCentral, NW, SW
201405kn/aConserving Minnesota’s Native Freshwater MusselsU of MN$350,000$0xxxStatewide
199105in/aCrosby Farm Park Nature Program City of Saint Paul$85,000$0x
199708b n/aPollution Prevention Training Program for Industrial Employees  U of MN$200,000$0xx
201405nn/aExpansion of Minnesota Wildflowers Online Botanical ReferenceMinnesota Wildflowers Information$150,000$0xxStatewide
201406an/aEnhancing Pollinator LandscapesU of MN$864,000$0xxxxStatewide
200904gn/aStatewide Ecological Ranking of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Other Critical Lands Board of Water and Soil Resources$107,000$0xxxxxStatewide
200307an/aLocal Water Planning (LWP) Matching Challenge Grants Board of Water and Soil Resources$500,000$0xx
201905an/aExpanding Camp Sunrise Environmental ProgramYouthCARE MN$237,000$0xMetro
201905bn/aConnecting Students to the Boundary WatersFriends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness$450,000$0xStatewide
201905cn/aMississippi National River and Recreation Area Forest RestorationMississippi Park Connection$199,000$0xxxMetro
201905dn/aIncreasing Diversity in Environmental CareersMN DNR$250,000$0xStatewide
199105jn/aYouth in Natural Resources MN DNR$250,000$0x
199105kn/aEnvironmental Education for the Handicapped   Vinland National Center$130,000$0xx
201906cn/aNoxious Weed Detection and EradicationMinnesota Department of Agriculture$1,000,000$0xxStatewide
199104dn/aWaterwatch - Citizen Monitoring and Protection Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$272,000$0xx
200704b2jn/aHCP IV - Lakescaping (2j)MN DNR$0$100,000xxxx
201907bn/aWhite Earth Nation Community Solar for Economic ResilienceRural Renewable Energy Alliance$500,000$0xxNE, NW
200906en/aPrevention and Early Detection of Invasive Earthworms U of MN - NRRI$150,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201907dn/aMorris Energy and Environment Community Resilience PlanCity of Morris$150,000$0xxStatewide
199306dn/aMississippi Headwaters River Inquiry and Education Project MN DNR$75,000$0xx
201908bn/aPromoting and Restoring Oak Savanna Using SilvopastureU of MN$750,000$0xxxxxxxStatewide
199105an/aState Environmental Education Program MN Dept. of Education$790,000$0x
200706cn/aField Guide for Evaluating Vegetation of Restored Wetlands Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik, & Assoc Inc$53,000$0xxx
201407an/aScientific and Natural Area Acquisition, Restoration, Improvement and Citizen EngagementMN DNR$2,540,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201908fn/aLawns to LegumesBoard of Water and Soil Resources$900,000$0xxxStatewide
200907cn/aEnergy Efficient Cities   Center for Energy and Environment$2,000,000$0xxMetro, SE
201909an/aMinnesota Scientific and Natural AreasMN DNR$3,500,000$0xxxxStatewide
199906fn/aLake Minnetonka Citizens Monitoring and Education Network Lake Minnetonka Association$40,000$0xx
199507in/aSugarloaf Site Assessment and Interpretation Sugarloaf Interpretive Center Association$70,000$0x
200704b3dn/aHCP IV - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$350,000xxxxx
201909en/aNational Loon CenterNational Loon Center Foundation$4,000,000$0xxxCentral
201003c1n/aMinnesota Breeding Bird Atlas Audubon Minnesota / U of MN - NRRI$211,000$0xxStatewide
201003c2n/aMinnesota Breeding Bird Atlas Audubon Minnesota / U of MN - NRRI$161,000$0xxStatewide
199105bn/aTeacher Training for Environmental Education St Paul Chapter of National Audubon Society$5,000$0x
200104e2jn/aHCP I - Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality Phase I (2j)MN DNR$0$331,000xxxx
201408cn/aDemonstrating Innovative Technologies to Fully Utilize Wastewater ResourcesU of MN$1,000,000$0xxxStatewide
201408dn/aTransitioning Minnesota Farms to Local EnergyU of MN - Morris$500,000$0xxxxStatewide
201408en/aLife Cycle Energy of Renewably Produced Nitrogen FertilizersU of MN - Morris$250,000$0xxxxStatewide
201003fn/aScience and Innovation from Soudan Underground Mine State Park - RESEARCH U of MN$545,000$0xxxRegional
199108cn/aUrban Aquatic Education Program MN DNR$340,000$0x
201408hn/aSolar Photovoltaic Installation at Residential Environmental Learning CentersDeep Portage, Eagle Bluff, Wolf Ridge, Long Lake, Audubon, Laurentian Environmental Learning Centers$150,000$0xxStatewide
201408in/aItasca Community College Woody Biomass Utilization Project Design Itasca Community College$112,000$0xxNE
201409an/aMinnesota Conservation Apprenticeship AcademyBWSR $392,000$0xStatewide
201409bn/aYouth-led Sustainability Initiatives in 40 Greater Minnesota CommunitiesPrairie Woods Environmental Learning Center$350,000$0xxCentral, NE, SE, SW
201409cn/aUrban Environmental Education Engaging Students in Local ResourcesWilderness Inquiry$1,093,000$0xxMetro
201409d1n/aDiversifying Involvement in the Natural Resources CommunityMN DNR U of MN$416,000$0xxStatewide
201409d2n/aDiversifying Involvement in the Natural Resources CommunityMN DNR U of MN$84,000$0xxStatewide
201409en/aEducating Minnesotans about Potential Impacts of Changing Climate Will Steger Foundation$325,000$0xStatewide
199907bn/aAccelerated Transfer of New Forest-Research Findings U of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$115,000$0xxx
201409fn/aPollinator Education Center at the Minnesota Landscape ArboretumU of MN, Landscape Arboretum$615,000$0xxxStatewide
201409gn/aMinnesota Pollinator PartnershipPheasants Forever$100,000$0xxxStatewide
201409hn/aRaptor Lab Integrating Online and Outdoor Learning EnvironmentsU of MN$186,000$0xStatewide
201409in/aWolf Management Education International Wolf Center$120,000$0xMetro
201003in/aEcosystem Services in Agricultural Watersheds Chippewa River Watershed Project$247,000$0xxxxCentral
199907cn/aMinnesota Wildlife Tourism Initiative MN DNR$250,000$0xx
201003kn/aIdentifying Critical Habitats for Moose in Northeastern Minnesota - RESEARCH   U of MN - NRRI$507,000$0xxxxNE
2014Sec. 08n/aInvasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center U of MN$1,460,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
2014Sec. 08-01n/aSub-Project 01: Novel Diagnostic Tools for Rapid and Early Detection of Oak WiltU of MN$0$271,911xxxxxxStatewide
2014Sec. 08-02n/aSub-Project 02: Early Detection, Forecasting and Management for Halyomorpha halysU of MN$0$616,081xxxxxxStatewide
202003k2020-027Freshwater Sponges and AIS: Engaging Citizen ScientistsU of MN$400,000$0xxxStatewide
2014Sec. 08-03n/aSub-Project 03: Climate Change and Range Expansion of Invasive PlantsU of MN$0$206,335xxxxxxStatewide
2014Sec. 08-04n/aSub-Project 04: Cover It Up! Using Plant to Control BuckthornU of MN$0$327,000xxxxxxStatewide
2014Sec. 08-05n/aSub-Project 05: Terrestrial Invasive Species PrioritizationU of MN$0$32,000xxxxxxStatewide
201004an/aEcological Restoration Training Cooperative for Habitat Restoration U of MN$550,000$0xxStatewide
201008hn/aProject Get Outdoors Project Get Outdoors Inc$15,000$0xxSE
201503cn/aMinnesota Biological Survey MN DNR$2,450,000$0xxxxStatewide
201503dn/aMinnesota Biodiversity Atlas for Enhanced Natural Resource Management U of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$340,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201004bn/aScientific and Natural Areas and Native Prairie Restoration, Enhancement & Acquisition MN DNR$1,750,000$0xxxxxStatewide
199710an/aComparative Risks of Multiple Chemical Exposures Minnesota Department of Health$150,000$0xx
201503gn/aMinnesota Native Bee AtlasU of MN$790,000$0xxxxStatewide
201503hn/aReintroduction and Interpretation of Bison in Minnesota State ParksMN DNR$600,000$0xxxxxStatewide
202005a2020-059Statewide Environmental Education via Public Television Outdoor SeriesPioneer Public Television$300,000$0xStatewide
202005b2020-041Minnesota Freshwater Quest: Environmental Education on State WaterwaysWilderness Inquiry$500,000$0xStatewide
202005c2020-061Teach Science: Schools as STEM Living LaboratoriesClimate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy$250,000$0xStatewide
202005d2020-038Mentoring Next Generation of Conservation ProfessionalsMinnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust, Inc.$500,000$0xStatewide
202005e2020-036Jay C. Hormel Nature Center Supplemental Teaching StaffCity of Austin$225,000$0xSE
202005f2020-001375 Underserved Youth Learn Minnesota Ecosystems by CanoeYMCA of the Greater Twin Cities$375,000$0xxStatewide
202005g2020-069YES! Students Take on Water Quality Challenge - Phase IIPrairie Woods Environmental Learning Center$199,000$0xxStatewide
202005h2020-021Engaging Minnesotans with Phenology: Radio, Podcasts, Citizen ScienceNorthern Community Radio, Inc.$198,000$0xStatewide
202005i2020-017Driving Conservation Behavior for Native Mussels and Water QualityMinnesota Zoo$191,000$0xxxStatewide
202005j2020-079Workshops and Outreach to Protect Raptors from Lead PoisoningU of MN$133,000$0xStatewide
200311an/aDodge Nature Center - Restoration Plan Dodge Nature Center$83,000$0xxxx
200311bn/aBucks and Buckthorn: Engaging Young Hunters in Restoration Great River Greening$255,000$0xxxxx
200311cn/aPutting Green Environmental Adventure Park: Sustainability   Putting Green Inc$132,000$0x
199307bn/aDeveloping Multi-Use Urban Green Space Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board$220,000$0xxx
199307cn/aK-12 Prairie Wetland Field Study Program - Ecology Bus Heron Lake Environmental Learning Ctr$270,000$0x
199310sn/aRecreational Programming: Inclusiveness for Persons with Disabilities Vinland Center$160,000$0xx
199310tn/aEnhanced Recreational Opportunities for Southeast Asian Ethnic Communities MN DNR$300,000$0xx
201503pn/aAssessing Ecological Impact of St. Anthony Falls Lock ClosureMinneapolis Riverfront Corporation $125,000$0xxxxxMetro
200505an/aRestoring Minnesota's Fish and Wildlife Habitat Corridors - Phase III Pheasants Forever Inc$4,062,000$0xxxxxxx
199310un/aUrban Community Gardening Program - Continuation Sustainable Resources Center$110,000$0xx
202007c2020-014Diverting Unsold Food from Landfills and Reducing Greenhouse GasesSecond Harvest Heartland$130,000$0xxCentral, Metro, SW
202008a2020-050Pollinator Central: Habitat Improvement with Citizen MonitoringGreat River Greening$750,000$0xxxCentral, Metro
202008b2020-071Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Strategic Habitat ProgramMN Board of Water and Soil Resources$750,000$0xxxStatewide
199307dn/aThe On-Line Museum: Computer and Interactive VideoScience Museum of Minnesota$260,000$0x
200104e3dn/aHCP I - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$350,000xxxxx
199711an/aFoundations to Integrated Access to Environmental Information MN DNR$650,000$0xx
199908bn/aTools and Training for Community-Based Planning Minnesota Planning$450,000$0xx
199711bn/aPublic Access to Archaeological Knowledge   Institute for MN Archaeology$200,000$0xxx
201504en/aSoutheast Minnesota Cover Crop and Soil Health InitiativesBoard of Water and Soil Resources$253,000$0xxxxSE
201004f3dn/aHCP VI - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$350,000xxxxxStatewide
199307en/aEnvironmental Education Outreach Program - CANCELLED Metropolitan Waste Control Commission$215,000$0x
199712bn/aRenewable Energy Demonstration and Education in State Parks Center for Energy and Environment$230,000$0xx
202209h2022-158SNA Habitat Restoration and Public EngagementMN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division$5,000,000$0xxxStatewide
201504hn/aAssessment of Irrigation Efficiencies in Benton CountyBenton Soil and Water Conservation District$431,000$0xxxxCentral
201504in/aShoreview Water Consumption and Groundwater Awareness ProjectCity of Shoreview$54,000$0xxMetro
199307fn/aSummer Youth History Program Minnesota Historical Society$100,000$0xx
201505bn/aConnecting Students with Watersheds through Hands-On LearningMinnesota Trout Unlimited$400,000$0xxxStatewide
201505cn/aZumbro River Watershed Recreational Learning Stewardship SitesZumbro Watershed Partnership$300,000$0xxxSE
201505dn/aStudents Engaging Local Watersheds Using Mobile TechnologiesTwin Cities Public Television$147,000$0xxStatewide
201505en/aMississippi River Water Journey CampsU of MN$25,000$0xxMetro
201506an/aMinnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center U of MN$5,000,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a01n/aSub-Project 01: Garlic Mustard Biocontrol: Ecological Host Range of Biocontrol AgentsU of MN$600,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a02n/aSub-Project 02: Mountain Pine Beetle, Phase II: Protecting MinnesotaU of MN$444,982$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a03n/aSub-Project 03: Biological control of the soybean aphid by Aphelinus certusU of MN$479,859$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a04n/aSub-Project 04: Decreasing Environmental Impacts of Soybean Aphid ManagementU of MN$570,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a05n/aSub-Project 05: Optimizing Tree Injections against Emerald Ash BorerU of MN$318,927$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a06n/aSub-Project 06: Distribution and Traits of the Fungal Pathogen Fusarium Virguliforme that Influence Current and Future Risk to Soybean and Other Legumes in MinnesotaU of MN$383,651$0xxxxxxStatewide
202009l2020-066Upper St. Anthony Falls EnhancementsFriends of the Lock & Dam$2,800,000$0xxxxStatewide
201506a07n/aSub-Project 07: Tools to Distinguish Native from Exotic Reed Canary GrassU of MN$263,273$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a08n/aSub-Project 08. Accurate detection and integrated treatment of oak wilt (Bretziella fagacearum) in MinnesotaU of MN$356,382$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a09n/aSub-Project 09: Characterizing Dispersal of Larval Gypsy Moth to Improve Quarantine RegulationsU of MN$35,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a10n/aSub-Project 10: Management Strategies for the Invasive Spotted Wing DrosophilaU of MN$477,541$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a11n/aSub-Project 11: Will Future Weather Favor Minnesota's Woody Invaders?U of MN$526,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a12n/aSub-Project 12: Developing Robust Identification Assays for Amaranthus Palmeri in Seed MixtureU of MN$208,230$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a13n/aSub-Project 13: Terrestrial Invasive Species PrioritizationU of MN$71,461$0xxxxxxStatewide
202009u2020-058Sportsmen's Training and Developmental Learning CenterMinnesota Forest Zone Trappers Association$85,000$0xxStatewide
201506a14n/aSub-Project 14: Improved Detection and Future Management of Leafy Spurge and Common Tansy using Remote Sensing, Mechanistic Species Distribution Models, and Landscape GenomicsU of MN$70,812$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a15n/aSub-Project 15: Expansion of the Terrestrial Invasive Species PrioritizationU of MN$92,141$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a16n/aSub-Project 16: Effects of Puccinia species complex on common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)U of MN$26,908$0xxxxxxStatewide
202105a2021-042Increasing Outdoor Learning for Young MinnesotansWolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center$383,000$0xStatewide
201506a17n/aSub-Project 17: Studies of entomopathogenic fungi for effective biocontrol of the emerald ash borer, Phase 2U of MN$342,273$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a18n/aSub-Project 18: Incorporating adaptation into forecasts of range shifts with climate changeU of MN$598,107$0xxxxxxStatewide
200704dn/aPrairie Stewardship Assistance for Private Landowners MN DNR$220,000$0xxxxx
201506a19n/aSub-Project 19: Incorporating adaptation into forecasts of range shifts with climate change U of MN$599,362$0xxxxxxStatewide
201506a20n/aSub-Project 20: Making revegetation as part of buckthorn management feasible in MinnesotaU of MN$525,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
199307gn/aThe Ecology of Minnesota - BookU of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$51,000$0xx
199712en/aConnecting People and Places through Yellow Bikes Yellow Bike Coalition$95,000$0xx
199712fn/aSustainable Gardening for Minnesota Homes and Communities Sustainable Resources Center$400,000$0xx
199307hn/aGreen Street: An Urban Environmental Awareness Project Science Museum of Minnesota$550,000$0x
201507bn/aReducing Emissions from Open Burning through Biomass GasificationU of MN$268,000$0xxxMetro, SW
201507c1n/aBuilding Deconstruction to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Solid WasteThe NetWork for Better Futures d/b/a Better Futures Minnesota / NRRI$845,000$0xxCentral, Metro, NE, NW
201507c2n/aBuilding Deconstruction to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Solid WasteThe NetWork for Better Futures d/b/a Better Futures Minnesota / NRRI$155,000$0xxCentral, Metro, NE, NW
200505a2jn/aHCP III - Lakescaping (2j)MN DNR$0$205,000xxxx
201508bn/aPropagating Native Plants and Restoring Diverse HabitatsMartin County Soil and Water Conservation District$495,000$0xxxxCentral, NE, NW, SW
202103f2021-118Groundwater Contamination Mapping Project - Phase IIMinnesota Pollution Control Agency$800,000$0xxxStatewide
199307in/aMinnehaha Park Environmental Interpretive Center Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board$300,000$0x
202103h2021-140Redwood County Reinvest in Minnesota Easement Evaluation and Public OutreachRedwood Soil & Water Conservation District$197,000$0xxStatewide
202103i2021-159Collaborative State and Tribal Wild Rice Monitoring ProgramMN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division$644,000$0xxxxStatewide
202103j2021-238Morrison County Performance Drainage and Hydrology Management IIMorrison Soil and Water Conservation District$197,000$0xxCentral
202103k2021-278Exploring Minnesota’s Wetlands: Our Resource For Future MedicineU of MN, Crookston$210,000$0xxStatewide
201508dn/aAcceleration of Minnesota Conservation Assistance - Final PhaseBoard of Water and Soil Resources$1,000,000$0xxxxStatewide
200506dn/aBest Management Practices for Parks and Outdoor Recreation Minnesota Recreation and Park Association$200,000$0xxxx
202105b2021-131Pollinator Education in the Science ClassroomU of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences$366,000$0xStatewide
201508fn/aMetro Conservation Corridors Phase VIII - Enhancing Restoration Techniques for Improved Climate Resilience and Pollinator ConservationGreat River Greening$400,000$0xxxxMetro
201508gn/aMinnesota State University Moorhead Prairie and Riparian Restoration and MonitoringMoorhead State University$527,000$0xxxxxNW
199713an/aSchool Nature Area Project (SNAP) St Olaf College$250,000$0x
201508hn/aImproving Community Forests Through Citizen EngagementMN DNR$800,000$0xxxxStatewide
199713bn/aWatershed Science: Integrated Research and Education Program: Research Science Museum of Minnesota$500,000$0xx
201508jn/aShoreland Protection for the Lower St. Croix RiverSt Croix River Association$190,000$0xxxxMetro
201508kn/aRedwood and Renville Counties Outdoor Recreation and Conservation Master PlanRedwood County and Renville County$75,000$0xxxxxCentral, SW
201005dn/aAgricultural and Urban Runoff Water Quality Treatment AnalysisBlue Earth County Drainage Authority$485,000$0xxxxxSE
200505a3dn/aHCP III - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$447,443xxxxx
201509cn/aSNA Acquisition, Restoration, Enhancement and Public EngagementMN DNR$4,000,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201509dn/aNative Prairie Stewardship and Prairie Bank Easement AcquisitionMN DNR$3,325,000$0xxxxCentral, NW, SE, SW
202105c2021-132Minnesota Freshwater Quest: Environmental Education for YouthWilderness Inquiry$699,000$0xStatewide
202105d2021-175Minnesota Master Naturalist: Nature for New MinnesotansU of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences$293,000$0xMetro
202105e2021-186The Voyageurs Classroom InitiativeVoyageurs National Park Association$348,000$0xStatewide
202105f2021-320Restoring Land and Reviving Heritage: Conservation Through Indigenous CultureBelwin Conservancy$420,000$0xxMetro
202105g2021-323Expanding Access to Environmental Education for Underserved CommunitiesU of MN, Raptor Center$178,000$0xStatewide
199713cn/aMinnesota Frog Watch Hamline University$300,000$0xx
199713dn/aEnvironmental Service Learning Projects in Minneapolis Schools Eco Education$100,000$0x
200510en/aWind to Hydrogen Demonstration U of MN$800,000$0xxx
199713en/aPartners in Accessible Recreation and Environmental Responsibility Wilderness Inquiry$550,000$0x
199713fn/aEnvironmental Service Learning Stowe Environmental Elementary School$100,000$0x
199713gn/aState Wolf Management: Electronically Moderating the Public Discussion International Wolf Center$100,000$0x
199713hn/aCatch and Release Rainy Lake Sportfishing Club$20,000$0x
202106g2021-313Stop Starry Invasion with Community Invasive Species ContainmentMinnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates$1,000,000$0xxxStatewide
199713in/aElectronic Environmental Education Raptor Network U of MN$222,000$0x
199713jn/aGreenprint Success Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department$136,000$0x
201603c1n/aPrairie Butterfly Conservation, Research, and Breeding - Phase IIMinnesota Zoological Garden$421,000$0xxxNW, SW
201603c2n/aPrairie Butterfly Conservation, Research, and Breeding - Phase IIMN DNR$329,000$0xxxNW, SW
202107e2021-344Create Jobs Statewide by Diverting Materials from LandfillsBetter Futures Minnesota$2,244,000$0xxStatewide
201007dn/aDemonstrating Sustainable Energy Practices at Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELCs) The MN Coalition of RELCs$1,500,000$0xxStatewide
201007d1n/aDemonstrating Sustainable Energy Practices at Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELCs) - Eagle BluffThe MN Coalition of RELCs$0$350,000xxStatewide
201007d2n/aDemonstrating Sustainable Energy Practices at Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELCs) - Audubon Center of the North WoodsThe MN Coalition of RELCs$0$206,000xxStatewide
202108c2021-058Pollinator Central II: Habitat Improvement With Community MonitoringGreat River Greening$631,000$0xxxMetro
201007d3n/aDemonstrating Sustainable Energy Practices at Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELCs) - Deep Portage Learning CenterThe MN Coalition of RELCs$0$212,000xxStatewide
201007d4n/aDemonstrating Sustainable Energy Practices at Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELCs) - LaurentianThe MN Coalition of RELCs$0$258,000xxStatewide
201007d5n/aDemonstrating Sustainable Energy Practices at Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELCs) - Long Lake Conservation CenterThe MN Coalition of RELCs$0$240,000xxStatewide
202108g2021-097Minnesota Green SchoolyardsThe Trust for Public Land$250,000$0xxxxStatewide
201007d6n/aDemonstrating Sustainable Energy Practices at Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELCs) - Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning CenterThe MN Coalition of RELCs$0$234,000xxStatewide
199910bn/aPublic Access to Mineral Knowledge MN DNR$100,000$0xxx
201008an/aMinnesota Conservation Apprenticeship Academy Board of Water and Soil Resources$368,000$0xStatewide
201008bn/aEngaging Students in Environmental Stewardship through Adventure Learning Will Steger Foundation$250,000$0xStatewide
201008cn/aConnecting Youth with NatureMN DNR$160,000$0xStatewide
201008dn/aUrban Wilderness Youth Outdoor Education Wilderness Inquiry$557,000$0xxMetro
201008en/aGet Outside - Urban Woodland for KidsCity of Saint Paul$218,000$0xxxxMetro
201008in/aFishing: A Cross Cultural Gateway to Environmental Education Association for the Advancement of Hmong Women in MN$155,000$0xxMetro
201008jn/aMinnesota WolfLink International Wolf Center$193,000$0xStatewide
201008kn/aOnline Field Trip of Minnesota RiverMinnesota State University - Mankato$124,000$0xCentral, Metro, SW, SE
201103an/aMinnesota County Biological Survey MN DNR$2,250,000$0xxxxStatewide
199713kn/aSt. Paul & Mpls. Regional Park Urban Interpretation Program *   City of Saint Paul$200,000$0x
199307jn/aNicollet Conservation Club Swan Lake Interpretive Room Nicollet Conservation Club$18,000$0x
199307kn/aProject City Camp: Experiential Urban Environmental Education Pillsbury Neighborhood Services Inc$130,000$0x
199307ln/aGranite Quarry Park and Interpretive Center Planning Stearns County Parks$50,000$0xxx
201103en/aGolden Eagle SurveyNational Eagle Center$60,000$0xxxSE
199307mn/aExpanded Crosby Farm Park Nature Program - Continuation City of Saint Paul$91,000$0xx
199911an/aUncommon Ground: An Educational Television Series U of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$400,000$0x
199911bn/aKarst Education for Southeastern Minnesota Southeast Minnesota Water Resources Board$120,000$0x
201103in/aChange and Resilience in Boreal Forests in Northern Minnesota - RESEARCH U of MN$150,000$0xxxxNE
199911cn/aMinnesota Wolf Public Education International Wolf Center$100,000$0x
202109j2021-151SNA Acquisition, Restoration, Citizen-Science and OutreachMN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division$3,336,000$0xxxStatewide
201103kn/aStrengthening Natural Resource Management with LiDAR TrainingU of MN$180,000$0xxxxStatewide
199911dn/aBear Center MN DNR$20,000$0x
202109m2021-325Veterans on the LakeVeterans on the Lake$553,000$0xxStatewide
199911en/aAccessible Outdoor Recreation Wilderness Inquiry$400,000$0xx
202109n2021-329Crane Lake Voyageurs National Park Visitor Center - ContinuationTown of Crane Lake$2,700,000$0xxStatewide
201103nn/aMississippi River Central Minnesota Conservation PlanningStearns County Soil and Water Conservation District$175,000$0xxxxCentral
201103on/aSaint Croix Basin Conservation Planning and ProtectionSt Croix River Association$120,000$0xxNE
199911fn/aScience Outreach and Integrated Learning on Soil Science Museum of Minnesota$250,000$0x
200110an/aUncommon Ground: An Educational Television Series - Governor Veto U of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$455,000$0x
200110bn/aWaterScapes: Outdoor Non-Point Source Pollution Education Science Museum of Minnesota$265,000$0xx
200110cn/aSustainable Inner- City Communities through Environmental Literacy Sabathani Community Center$500,000$0x
200803cn/aMinnesota's Habitat Conservation Partnership - Phase V Pheasants Forever Inc$3,150,000$0xxxxxxx
201104en/aScientific and Natural Area Acquisition and RestorationMN DNR$1,640,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201604vn/aIntegrating Targeted Watershed Planning Tools with Citizen InvolvementMinnesota State University, Mankato - Water Resources Center$169,000$0xxxxStatewide
200110dn/aIntegrated Pest Management in Schools Minnesota Department of Agriculture$180,000$0x
201605an/aMinnesota Conservation Apprentice AcademyBoard of Water and Soil Resources$433,000$0xStatewide
201605bn/aSchool Forests Outdoor ClassroomsMN DNR$440,000$0xStatewide
201605cn/aYouth-Led Sustainability Projects in 50 Minnesota Communities – Phase IIIPrairie Woods Environmental Learning Center$400,000$0xStatewide
201605dn/aNew Prairie Sportsman Statewide Broadcast Video ProjectPioneer Public Television$300,000$0xStatewide
201605en/aWildlife and Habitat Conservation Education for Southwest Minnesota High SchoolsMinnesota Zoological Garden$147,000$0xSW
201605fn/aStandards-Based Dakota Indian Land Stewardship EducationDakota Wicohan$197,000$0xStatewide
201605gn/aWolf Management Education in the Classroom – Phase IIInternational Wolf Center$240,000$0xStatewide
201605hn/aMaster Water Steward Program ExpansionFreshwater Society$116,000$0xxStatewide
201605in/aPromoting Water Quality Stewardship through Student Mentoring and River MonitoringMinnesota State University - Southwest$39,000$0xxSW
200110en/aBurn, Plant and Learn: Restoring Upland Habitats - partial RESEARCH Science Museum of Minnesota$230,000$0xxxx
201606an/aMinnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center - Phase IIIU of MN$3,750,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
202203l2022-266Sweetening the Crop: Perennial Flax for Ecosystem BenefitsU of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences$490,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201606a01n/aSub-Project 01: Fungi in Ash Trees: Towards Protecting Trees from Emerald AshU of MN$0$500,000xxxxxxStatewide
201606a02n/aSub-Project 02: Understanding the Benefits and Limitations of using Goats for Invasive Plant ControlU of MN$0$410,267xxxxxxStatewide
201606a03n/aSub-Project 03: Genetic Control of Invasive Insect Species: Phase IU of MN$0$295,717xxxxxxStatewide
201606a04n/aSub-Project 04: Dwarf Mistletoe Detection and Management in MinnesotaU of MN$0$455,606xxxxxxStatewide
201606a05n/aSub-Project 05: Developing Spatially Explicit Bio-economic Dispersal Model to Aid with the Management of Brown Marmorated Stink BugU of MN$0$329,304xxxxxxStatewide
201606a06n/aSub-Project 06: Management of Invasive KnotweedsU of MN$0$476,723xxxxxxStatewide
201606a07n/aSub-Project 07: Building Mechanistic and Process based Species Distribution Models for Common Tansy and Leafy Spurge: from Landscapes to GenomesU of MN$0$351,188xxxxxxStatewide
201606a08n/aSub-Project 08: Using Plants to Control Buckthorn: an Expanded ApproachU of MN$0$560,000xxxxxxStatewide
201606a09n/aSub-Project 09: Genetic control of invasive insects, Phase 2U of MN$0$55,100xxxxxxStatewide
201606a10n/aSub-Project 10: Novel Diagnostic Tools for Rapid and Early Detection of Oak WiltU of MN$0$170,637xxxxxxStatewide
201104hn/aNative Prairie Stewardship and Native Prairie Bank AcquisitionMN DNR$1,000,000$0xxxStatewide
201104in/aMetropolitan Conservation Corridors (MeCC) - Phase VIMinnesota Land Trust$3,475,000$0xxxxxxMetro
200110fn/aConnecting with Wildlife at the Minnesota Zoo Minnesota Zoo$230,000$0x
201104i2.1n/aMeCC VI - Restore and Enhance Significant Watershed Habitat (2.1)Friends of the Mississippi River$0$200,000xxxxxMetro
200110gn/aProject Green Start: Environmental Education Minnesota Children's Museum$340,000$0x
200110hn/aRaptor Propagation: Student Education Stillwater Area High School$35,000$0x
202205a2022-026Teacher Field School: Stewardship through Nature-Based EducationHamline University$500,000$0xStatewide
202205b2022-029Increasing K-12 Student Learning to Develop Environmental Awareness, Appreciation, and InterestOsprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center$1,602,000$0xxStatewide
202205c2022-066Expanding Access to Wildlife Learning Bird by BirdMN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division$276,000$0xxMetro
202205d2022-107Engaging a Diverse Public in Environmental StewardshipGreat River Greening$300,000$0xxxCentral, Metro, SE, SW
202205e2022-162Bugs Below Zero: Engaging Citizens in Winter ResearchU of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences$198,000$0xStatewide
202205f2022-169ESTEP: Earth Science Teacher Education ProjectMinnesota Science Teachers Association$495,000$0xStatewide
202205g2022-236YES! Students Take Action to Complete Eco ProjectsPrairie Woods Environmental Learning Center$199,000$0xxxxStatewide
202205h2022-250Increasing Diversity in Environmental CareersMN DNR, Operational Services Division (OSD)$500,000$0xStatewide
200505dn/aPrairie Stewardship of Private Lands MN DNR$100,000$0xxxxx
200110in/aHennepin Parks Farm Education Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District$100,000$0xx
202206b2022-089Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Citizen Science ProgramSt. Croix River Association$174,000$0xxxNE, SE
200110jn/aResidential Environmental Education for Youth   Camp Courage$90,000$0x
202207b2022-291Morris GHG Emissions Inventory and Mitigation StrategiesCity of Morris$170,000$0xxStatewide
20021n/aUncommon Ground: An Educational Television SeriesU of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$254,000$0x
199911gn/aTeacher Training in Interdisciplinary Environmental Education Audubon Center of the North Woods$60,000$0x
201105an/aItasca County Sensitive Lakeshore IdentificationItasca County Soil and Water Conservation District$160,000$0xxxxNE
201608an/aBee Pollinator Habitat Enhancement - Phase IIU of MN$387,000$0xxxxStatewide
200803c2jn/aHCP V - Lakescaping (2j)MN DNR$0$75,000xxxx
201608cn/aEstablishment of Permanent Habitat Strips Within Row CropsScience Museum of Minnesota$179,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201104jn/aHabitat Conservation Partnership (HCP) - Phase VIIPheasants Forever Inc$3,475,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
199307nn/aMultiple-Use Forest Management Learning Kit Deep Portage Conservation Reserve$15,000$0x
199911in/aYouth Outdoor Environmental Education Program Dakota County$125,000$0x
201608gn/aUpland, Wetland, and Shoreline Restoration in Greater Metropolitan AreaGreat River Greening$509,000$0xxxxMetro
201608hn/aBluffland Restoration and Monitoring in WinonaWinona State University$99,000$0xxxSE
202208k2022-142River Habitat Restoration and Recreation in MelroseCity of Melrose$350,000$0xxxxCentral
199911jn/aTwin Cities Environmental Service Learning-Continuation Eco Education$40,000$0x
202209b2022-041Environmental Learning Classroom with TrailsIndependent School District #712, Mountain Iron Buhl Public Schools$82,000$0xxNE
199911kn/aMinnesota Whitetail Deer Resource Center Exhibits - CANCELLED MN Deer Hunters Association$400,000$0x
201609an/aScientific and Natural Area Acquisition and RestorationMN DNR$1,386,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201609bn/aMinnesota Point Pine Forest Scientific and Natural Area AcquisitionMN DNR$500,000$0xxxxNE
199911ln/aSustainability Forums Izaak Walton League of America$200,000$0xx
200803c3dn/aHCP V - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$267,500xxxx
200305a n/aRestoring Minnesota's Fish and Wildlife Habitat Corridors - Phase IIPheasants Forever Inc$4,850,000$0xxxxxxx
199911mn/aMinnesota River Watershed Ecology and History Exhibit Joseph R Brown Heritage Society$90,000$0x
199911on/aAquaculture, Hydoponics, and Greenhouse Research Lab   Chisago Lakes High School$100,000$0xx
201104j3dn/aHCP VII - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$775,000xxxxStatewide
199510en/aTurn in Poachers Youth Activity Book   TIP Inc$50,000$0x
199307on/aAn Outdoor Classroom to Improve Rural Environmental Education   Faribault County Environmental Learning Center$60,000$0x
199108dn/aCatch & Release Program MN DNR$35,000$0x
201105cn/aMississippi Water Quality Assessment - RESEARCH U of MN$557,000$0xxxStatewide
200803dn/aPreserving the Avon Hills Landscape Saint Johns Arboretum and University$337,000$0xxx
199505jn/aShoreland Septic Inventory and Education - RESEARCH Hubbard County Environmental Services$145,000$0xxx
201104ln/aAcceleration of Minnesota Conservation AssistanceBoard of Water and Soil Resources$625,000$0xxxxStatewide
201104mn/aConservation Easement Stewardship and Enforcement Program - Phase IIMN DNR$500,000$0xxxStatewide
201104nn/aRecovery of At-Risk Native Prairie SpeciesMartin County Soil and Water Conservation District$147,000$0xxxxxSW
200506rn/aBirding Maps   Audubon Minnesota$100,000$0xxx
201104pn/aSoutheast Minnesota Stream RestorationTrout Unlimited Inc$250,000$0xxxxSE
199505kn/aAlternative Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Development and Demonstration - RESEARCH Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$425,000$0xxx
201104rn/aNortheast Minnesota White Cedar Plant Community RestorationBoard of Water and Soil Resources$250,000$0xxxxNE
201105dn/aZumbro River Watershed Restoration PrioritizationZumbro Watershed Partnership$150,000$0xxxSE
199105cn/aVideo Education Research and Demonstration Project Twin Cities Public Television$100,000$0x
200305fn/aLocal Initiative Grants (Conservation Partners & Env. Partnerships) MN DNR$512,000$0xxx
199109nn/aRestore Thomas Sadler Bird Sanctuary Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board$50,000$0xxx
201703nn/aPollinator Research and OutreachU of MN$500,000$0xxxStatewide
199113en/aResidential Urban Environmental Resource Audit St Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium (NEC)$150,000$0xx
201107n/aSupporting Community-Driven Sustainable Bioenergy ProjectsDovetail Partners Inc$150,000$0xxxxNE
201108an/aYouth-Led Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation in West and Southwest MinnesotaPrairie Woods Environmental Learning Center$246,000$0xxSW
201108bn/aMinnesota Junior Master Naturalist ProgramU of MN$365,000$0xxStatewide
202303k2023-169Efficacy of Urban Archery Hunting to Manage DeerMinnesota State Colleges and Universities$393,000$0xxxStatewide
201108cn/aExperiential Environmental Education for Urban YouthHennepin County - Environmental Services$200,000$0xMetro
201109an/aMinnesota Conservation Apprentice AcademyBoard of Water and Soil Resources$200,000$0xStatewide
199512cn/aJoseph R. Brown Interpretive Center Restoration Project Sibley County Historical Society$75,000$0xx
199512dn/aHeritage Trails Minnesota Historical Society$200,000$0xx
199512en/aRestoration of Historic Elba Fire Tower Elba Booster Club$73,000$0xxx
201705an/aConnecting Youth to Minnesota Waterways through Outdoor ClassroomsWilderness Inquiry$1,200,000$0xStatewide
201705bn/aIncreasing Diversity in Environmental CareersMN DNR$487,000$0xxStatewide
201705cn/aInteractive Water Resource Programs for Planetariums in MinnesotaU of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$500,000$0xStatewide
201705dn/aExpanding Raptor Center Online EducationU of MN$270,000$0xStatewide
201705en/aLocal Planning and Implementation Efforts for Bird HabitatAudubon Minnesota$280,000$0xStatewide
201705fn/aDeveloping Youth Watershed Stewardship in Northwest MinnesotaHeadwaters Science Center$121,000$0xNW
201705gn/aIncreasing Residential Environmental Learning Center OpportunitiesAudubon Center of the North Woods$130,000$0xNE
201706an/aAquatic Invasive Species Research Center - Phase IIU of MN - AIS Center$2,700,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-04.3n/aMAISRC Subproject 4.3: Social Learning and Carp RemovalU of MN - AIS Center$0$189,475xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-08.2n/aMAISRC Subproject 8.2: Impacts of Invader Removal on Native Vegetation RecoveryU of MN - AIS Center$0$119,034xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-12.2n/aMAISRC Subproject 12.2: Historical Analyses of Spiny Water Flea Invasion PatternsU of MN - AIS Center$0$53,795xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-15n/aMAISRC Subproject 15: Determining Highest Risk Vectors of Spiny WaterFlea SpreadU of MN - AIS Center$0$26,581xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-16.2n/aMAISRC Subproject 16.2: AIS Impacts on Walleye Populations and Mercury ConcentrationsU of MN - AIS Center$0$199,862xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-18.2n/aMAISRC Subproject 18.2: Genetics to Improve Hybrid and Eurasian Watermilfoil ManagementU of MN - AIS Center$0$236,423xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-20n/aMAISRC Subproject 20: A Novel Technology for eDNR Collection and ConcentrationU of MN - AIS Center$0$96,264xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-21.2n/aMAISRC Subproject 21.2: Field Validation of Mulitbeam Sonar Zebra Mussel DetectionU of MN - AIS Center$0$14,247xxxxxxStatewide
202305a2023-008Fostering Conservation by Connecting Students to the BWCAFriends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness$1,080,000$0xStatewide
202305b2023-051Statewide Environmental Education via PBS Outdoor SeriesPioneer PBS$391,000$0xStatewide
202305c2023-062Increasing Diversity in Environmental CareersMN DNR$763,000$0xStatewide
201706a-22n/aMAISRC Subproject 22: Copper-Based Control: Zebra Mussel Settlement and Non-Target ImpactsU of MN - AIS Center$0$152,090xxxxxxStatewide
202305d2023-167Reducing Biophobia & Fostering Environmental Stewardship in Underserved SchoolsU of MN$180,000$0xStatewide
202305e2023-185Sharing Minnesota's Biggest Environmental InvestmentScience Museum of Minnesota$628,000$0xxStatewide
202305f2023-201North Shore Private Forestry Outreach and ImplementationSugarloaf The North Shore Stewardship Association$375,000$0xxNE
202305g2023-223Teaching Students about Watersheds through Outdoor ScienceMinnesota Trout Unlimited$290,000$0xxStatewide
202305h2023-229Bioblitz Urban Parks: Engaging Communities in Scientific EffortsMinneapolis Park and Recreation Board$198,000$0xxxxMetro
201706a-23n/aMAISRC Subproject 23: Public Values of Aquatic Invasive Species ManagementU of MN - AIS Center$0$110,245xxxxxxStatewide
202306b2023-176Developing Research-Based Solutions to Minnesota's AIS ProblemsU of MN$4,941,000$0xxStatewide
201706a-24n/aMAISRC Subproject 24: Genetic Method for Control of Invasive Fish SpeciesU of MN - AIS Center$0$140,004xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-25n/aMAISRC Subproject 25: What’s in Your Bucket? Quantifying AIS Introduction RiskU of MN - AIS Center$0$84,094xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-28n/aMAISRC Subproject 28: Evaluating Innovative Coatings to Suppress Priority AISU of MN - AIS Center$0$51,234xxxxxxStatewide
201706a-30n/aMAISRC Subproject 30: Managing Midwestern aquatic invasions in a changing climateU of MN - AIS Center$0$39,000xxxxxxStatewide
201109dn/aReinvest in Minnesota Wetlands Reserve Acquisition and Restoration Program PartnershipBoard of Water and Soil Resources$1,645,000$0xxxStatewide
199512fn/aManaging Minnesota Shipwrecks Minnesota Historical Society$100,000$0xxx
200803on/aBest Practices for Native Prairie Management Minnesota Recreation and Park Association$45,000$0xxx
201706en/aTactical Invasive Plant Management Plan DevelopmentMinnesota Department of Agriculture$296,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201110cn/aLCC Web SiteLegislative Coordinating Commission$3,000$0xxStatewide
199512gn/aLac Qui Parle Mission Historic Trail *   Minnesota Historical Society$181,000$0xx
202308e2023-061Minnesota Million: Seedlings for Reforestation and CO2 SequestrationU of MN$906,000$0xxxStatewide
201303an/aMinnesota Biological SurveyMN DNR$2,650,000$0xxxxStatewide
200305a2jn/aHCP II - Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality (2j)MN DNR$0$223,100xxxx
202308h2023-117Restoring Forests and Savannas Using Silvopasture - Phase IIGreat River Greening$674,000$0xxStatewide
202308i2023-135Minnesota Community SchoolyardsThe Trust for Public Land$1,433,000$0xxStatewide
199105dn/aIntegrated Resource Management Education and Training Program MN DNR$300,000$0x
199312en/aWild Turkey Hunting Safety/Education National Wild Turkey Federation$39,000$0xx
201303en/aConservation Easement Stewardship Program - Phase IIIMN DNR$200,000$0xxxStatewide
201303fn/aHarnessing Soudan Mine Microbes: Bioremediation, Bioenergy and Biocontrol - RESEARCH U of MN$838,000$0xxxxStatewide
200305a3dn/aHCP II - Wetlands Reserve Program (3d)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$465,100xxxxx
201708dn/aState Park Pollinator Habitat RestorationMN DNR$672,000$0xxxCentral, Metro, NW, SE, SW
199109pn/aEstablish Northern Raptor Rehabilitation and Education Facility U of MN$75,000$0x
202308q2023-219Statewide Diversion of Furniture and Mattress Waste PilotsEMERGE Community Development$2,833,000$0xxStatewide
199106fn/aCommunity Gardening Program   MN State Horticultural Society$110,000$0xx
199105en/aContinuing Education in Outdoor Recreation Management for Natural Resource Managers U of MN$125,000$0xx
201708hn/aMississippi and Vermillion River Restoration of Prairie, Savanna, and Forest Habitat - Phase TenFriends of the Mississippi River$213,000$0xxxMetro
201708in/aCommunity Stewardship to Restore Urban Natural Resources - Phase TenGreat River Greening$524,000$0xxxMetro
202309d2023-064Outreach and Stewardship Through the Native Prairie Bank ProgramMN DNR$620,000$0xxStatewide
199105fn/aEnvironmental Exhibits Collaborative Science Museum of Minnesota$400,000$0x
201304bn/aScientific and Natural Areas Restoration, Enhancement and Citizen EngagementMN DNR$1,500,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201304cn/aNative Prairie Stewardship and Prairie Bank Easement AcquisitionMN DNR$750,000$0xxxCentral, Metro, NW, SE, SW
199506an/aLeopold Education Project Curriculum Pheasants Forever Inc$100,000$0x
199506bn/aEnvironmental Education Teacher Training Environmental Education Advisory Board$500,000$0x
201709bn/aScientific and Natural Areas Acquisition, Restoration, Citizen Science and EngagementMN DNR$2,500,000$0xxxxxStatewide
200805d1n/aThe Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas Audubon Minnesota / U of MN - NRRI$169,000$0xx
201304d-2.1/3.4n/aMeCC VII - 2.1 & 3.4: Protect, Restore and Enhance Significant Watershed HabitatFriends of the Mississippi River$0$304,000xxxxMetro
201304d-2.3n/aMeCC VII - 2.3: Restoring Our Lands and WatersGreat River Greening$0$208,000xxxxMetro, SE
200805d2n/aThe Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas Audubon Minnesota / U of MN - NRRI$101,000$0xx
201304hn/aBee Pollinator Habitat EnhancementU of MN$200,000$0xxxxStatewide
199506cn/aSharing Environmental Education Knowledge Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance$200,000$0x
200805fn/aWildlife Disease Data Surveillance and Analysis - RESEARCH U of MN$100,000$0xx
200806an/aWaters of Minnesota Documentary on Watersheds U of MN - Bell Museum of Natural History$349,000$0x
201304en/aLandscape Arboretum Acquisition Lake TamarackU of MN - MN Landscape Arboretum$2,000,000$0xxxxMetro
201304fn/aConservation Program Technical AssistanceBoard of Water and Soil Resources$3,000,000$0xxxxStatewide
201805ln/aIncrease Diversity in Environmental Careers to Serve Minnesota’s Changing DemographicsMN DNR$550,000$0xStatewide
201306a08n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$822,000xxxxxxStatewide
201306a09n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$0xxxxxxStatewide
201306a10n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$566,550xxxxxxStatewide
201306a11n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$126,676xxxxxxStatewide
201306a12n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$207,766xxxxxxStatewide
201306a13n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$215,000xxxxxxStatewide
201306a14n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$266,500xxxxxxStatewide
201306a15n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$122,640xxxxxxStatewide
201307bn/aYouth Outdoors: Mississippi River Education and Employment OpportunitiesWilderness Inquiry$450,000$0xxStatewide
201306a16n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$198,700xxxxxxStatewide
201306a17n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$246,800xxxxxxStatewide
201306a18n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$221,375xxxxxxStatewide
201306a19n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$172,465xxxxxxStatewide
201306a20n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$94,599xxxxxxStatewide
201306a21n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$96,549xxxxxxStatewide
201306a22n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$215,326xxxxxxStatewide
201306a23n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$110,112xxxxxxStatewide
201306a24n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$131,845xxxxxxStatewide
199705cn/aJeffers Petroglyphs Environmental Assessment and Prairie Restoration Minnesota Historical Society$125,000$0xxxx
201306a25n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$111,642xxxxxxStatewide
201306a26n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$100,000xxxxxxStatewide
200904in/aMN Farm Bill Assistance Project Board of Water and Soil Resources$1,000,000$0xxxxCentral, SW, SE
200511an/aEnhancing Civic Understanding of Groundwater - - GOVERNOR VETOScience Museum of Minnesota$150,000$0x
200511bn/aCedar Creek Natural History Area Interpretive Center and Restoration U of MN - Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve$400,000$0xxx
200511cn/aEnvironmental Problem-Solving Model for Twin Cities Schools - - GOVERNOR VETO Eco Education$75,000$0x
200511dn/aTamarack Nature Center Exhibits   Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department$95,000$0x
200512an/aChildren's Environmental HealthMinnesota Department of Agriculture$200,000$0x
201008fn/aExpanding Outdoor Classrooms at Minnesota Schools MN DNR$300,000$0xxxStatewide
201307an/aMinnesota Conservation Apprentice AcademyBoard of Water and Soil Resources$186,000$0xStatewide
200602n/aEnhancing Civic Understanding of GroundwaterScience Museum of Minnesota$150,000$0x
200904e2jn/aHCP VI - Lakescaping for Wildlife & Water Quality (2j)MN DNR$0$75,000xxxxStatewide
200806bn/aGlobal Warming - Reducing Carbon Footprint of Minnesota Schools   Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$750,000$0xx
199506dn/aEnvironmental Video Resource Library and Public Television Series Twin Cities Public Television$250,000$0x
199506en/aDevelopment, Assimilation and Distribution of Wolf Educational Materials International Wolf Center$100,000$0x
199914bn/aLandscaping for Wildlife and Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Saint Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium$150,000$0xxxx
200509cn/aSustainable Management of Private Forest Lands MN DNR$874,000$0xxxxx
199914cn/aLakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality Initiative MN DNR$140,000$0xxxx
200509e1n/aThird Crops for Water Quality - Phase 2 - RESEARCH Rural Advantage (BERBI) / U of MN$241,000$0xxxx
200509e2n/aThird Crops for Water Quality - Phase 2 - RESEARCH Rural Advantage (BERBI) / U of MN$259,000$0xxxx
199719an/aMinnesota Releaf Tree Planting and Preservation Grant Program MN DNR$300,000$0xxxx
200510an/aClean Energy Resource Teams and Community Wind Energy Rebate Program Minnesota Department of Commerce$700,000$0xx
199914en/aRestoring Ecological Health to St. Paul's Mississippi River Bluffs   Friends of the Parks and Trails of St Paul and Ramsey County$200,000$0xxx
201804an/aPilot Program to Optimize Local Mechanical and Pond Wastewater-Treatment PlantsMinnesota Pollution Control Agency$700,000$0xxxStatewide
199506fn/aEnvironmental Action Grants for Minnesota Schools St Olaf College$200,000$0x
200904en/aMinnesota's Habitat Conservation Partnership (HCP) - Phase VI Pheasants Forever Inc$3,375,000$0xxxxxxxStatewide
199506gn/aElectronic Environmental Education Network (EEEN) U of MN - Raptor Center$250,000$0x
201306an/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$8,700,000$0xxxxxxStatewide
201306a01n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$1,805,859xxxxxxStatewide
201306a02n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$602,580xxxxxxStatewide
201306a03n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$500,000xxxxxxStatewide
201306a04n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$413,247xxxxxxStatewide
201306a05n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$214,996xxxxxxStatewide
201306a06n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$111,889xxxxxxStatewide
201804kn/aImplement a Pilot Credit-Trading System for Storm Water in Shell Rock River Watershed to Improve Water QualityShell Rock River Watershed District$300,000$0xxSE
201306a07n/aAn Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center - RESEARCH U of MN$0$335,224xxxxxxStatewide
201805an/aPrairie Sportsman Statewide Environmental Broadcasts and VideosPioneer Public Television$300,000$0xStatewide
201805bn/aYES! Students Take on Minnesota Water-Quality ChallengePrairie Woods Environmental Learning Center$213,000$0xxxStatewide
201805cn/aGet Outdoors After-School TrainingProject Get Outdoors Inc$30,000$0xStatewide
201805dn/aConnecting Students with Water Stewardship through Hands-on LearningMinnesota Trout Unlimited$400,000$0xStatewide
201805en/aExpanding River Watch Program on the Minnesota River With High School TeamsFriends of the Minnesota Valley$100,000$0xxSW
201805fn/aPollinator Ambassadors Program for GardensU of MN$250,000$0xxStatewide
201805gn/aMorris Prairie Pollinator Demonstration Area and EducationU of MN$550,000$0xxxCentral
201805hn/aExpanding Nature Knowledge and Experience with New Interactive Exhibits at North Mississippi Regional ParkMinneapolis Parks and Recreation Board$500,000$0xMetro
201805in/aUpdate International Wolf Center ExhibitsInternational Wolf Center$1,000,000$0xNE
201805jn/aExpanding the State’s Reuse Economy to Conserve Natural ResourcesReUse Minnesota$275,000$0xStatewide
201805kn/aExpand Materials Reuse and Recycling Jobs ProgramThe NetWork for Better Futures d/b/a Better Futures Minnesota$800,000$0xStatewide
202405e2024-028Get the Lead Out: Lead-Free Fishing Tackle EducationMinnesota Pollution Control Agency$254,000$0XXStatewide
202405t2024-272Expanding Youth and Family Fishing OpportunitiesMN DNR$1,162,000$0XXStatewide
202405u2024-273Youth Conservation Empowerment ProjectU of MN$70,000$0XSE
202405f2024-058Water Science and Policy Fellowships for MinnesotaU of MN$407,000$0XXXStatewide
202405v2024-292North Minneapolis Nature Connection: Storytelling and Leadership PathwaysThe Loppet Foundation$697,000$0XMetro
202403e2024-048Turtle Island Skywatchers – Minnesota Research and Data VisualizationNative Skywatchers Inc$200,000$0XXStatewide
202408p2024-298Priority Lakes: Meeting Protection Goals and Multiplying BenefitsHubbard County Soil & Water Conservation District$1,890,000$0XXXNW
202404h2024-164Visitor Perceptions of Water Quality to Aid Lake ManagementU of MN$379,000$0XXXStatewide
202406b2024-097Mitigating the Spread of Invasive Jumping WormsU of MN$470,000$0XXXXStatewide
202403i2024-072Foundational Data for Moth and Butterfly ConservationMN DNR$195,000$0XXXStatewide
202408e2024-096Pollinator Central IV: Habitat Improvement with Public EngagementGreat River Greening$698,000$0XXXCentral, Metro
202403k2024-083Voyageurs Wolf Project - Phase IIIU of MN$996,000$0XXXStatewide
202408j2024-185Bioacoustics for Species Monitoring and Conservation - Phase 2U of MN$568,000$0XXXStatewide
202407a2024-039Minimizing Minnesota’s Landfill Problem by Expanding Waste DiversionBetter Futures Minnesota$2,318,000$0XXStatewide
202407b2024-049Building Resilient Urban Forests for Climate ChangeGreat River Greening$752,000$0XXCentral, Metro, SW
202405a2024-015Jay C. Hormel Nature Center Supplemental Teaching StaffCity of Austin$410,000$0XSE
202405b2024-017Connecting Communities to Voyageurs Classroom and Minnesota’s National ParkVoyageurs Conservancy$994,000$0XStatewide
202405c2024-023Supporting Minnesota Teachers to Implement Culturally Sustaining Environmental EducationU of MN$295,000$0XXStatewide
202405d2024-027Phenology Investigations in Minnesota SchoolsU of MN$392,000$0XStatewide
202405g2024-059Mentoring Next Generation of Conservation Professionals - Phase 2Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$793,000$0XXStatewide
202405h2024-091Restoring Land, Reviving Heritage: Indigenous Conservation - Phase 2Belwin Conservancy$688,000$0XXMetro
202405i2024-099Unlocking Minnesota Wilderness for YouthYMCA of the North$705,000$0XXStatewide
202405j2024-100Outdoor Pathways to Environmental Education, Recreation, and CareersWilderness Inquiry$1,500,000$0XXStatewide
202405k2024-111Increasing Access to Environmental Education Youth CampsOsprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center$163,000$0XStatewide
202405l2024-115Launching Environmental Education at Shepard FarmDodge Nature Center$639,000$0XMetro
202405m2024-129YES! Students Step Up To Reduce Carbon FootprintPrairie Woods Environmental Learning Center$199,000$0XStatewide
202405n2024-139The Boundary Waters is Our BackyardFriends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness$500,000$0XNE
202405o2024-168Season Watch: Cultivating Young Naturalists with Phenology EducationNorthern Community Radio, Inc.$180,000$0XStatewide
202405p2024-177Rural Minnesota Mobile Lab: Environmental-Focused Earth Science EducationU of MN$459,000$0XStatewide
202405q2024-188Increasing Accessibility of Environmental Education at Deep PortageDeep Portage Learning Center$228,000$0XStatewide
202405r2024-200College-School Collaboration to Promote Environmental Career PathsMinnesota State Colleges and Universities$174,000$0XSE, SW
202405s2024-250Water Quality and Robots: Experientially Educating Minnesotan YouthU of MN$353,000$0XXStatewide
200306fn/aGitchi-Gami State Trail MN DNR$1,300,000$0x
200306gn/aWater Recreation: Boat Access, Fishing Piers & Shorefishing MN DNR$1,150,000$0x
200306hn/aMesabi TrailSt Louis & Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority$380,000$0x
200306in/aLinking Communities Design, Technology & DNR Trail Resources U of MN$184,000$0x
200306kn/aDevelopment and Rehabilitation of Minnesota Shooting Ranges MN DNR$240,000$0x
200306ln/aLand Acquisition, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum - continuation   U of MM - MN Landscape Arboretum$350,000$0xxx
200307bn/aAccelerating & Enhancing Surface Water Monitoring for Lakes & Streams Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$740,000$0xx
200307cn/aIntercommunity Groundwater Protection Washington County$125,000$0xx
200307dn/aTAPwaters: Technical Assistance Program for Watersheds Science Museum of Minnesota$160,000$0x
200307e1n/aWastewater Phosphorus Control and Reduction Initiative - RESEARCH MN Environmental Science and Economic Review$296,000$0xx
200307e2n/aWastewater Phosphorus Control and Reduction Initiative - RESEARCH Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$244,000$0xx
200307fn/aMaintaining Zooplankton (Daphnia) for Water Quality: Square Lake - RESEARCH   Marine-on-St Croix Water Mgmt Organization$32,000$0xxx
200308an/aMinnesota County Biological Survey MN DNR$900,000$0xxx
200308bn/aUpdating Outmoded Soil Survey Board of Water and Soil Resources$236,000$0xxx
200308c1n/aMesabi Iron Range Geologic & Hydrologic Maps & Data Bases MN DNR$115,000$0xxx
200308c2n/aMesabi Iron Range Geologic & Hydrologic Maps & Data Bases U of MN - MN Geological Survey$131,000$0xxx
20039n/aNative Plants and Alternative Crops for Water Quality - RESEARCH  Rural Advantage / BERBI$622,000$0xxx
200310an/aCommunity Energy Development Program Minnesota Department of Commerce$519,000$0xx
200310bn/aAdvancing Utilization of Manure Methane Digester Electrical   Minnesota Department of Agriculture$221,000$0xxx
200312an/aHealthy Schools: Indoor Air Quality and Asthma Management Minnesota Department of Health$168,000$0x
200312bn/aEconomic-based Analysis of Children's Environmental Health Risks Minnesota Department of Health$95,000$0x
200312cn/aContinuous Indoor Air Quality Monitoring in MN SchoolsSchulte Associates LLC$300,000$0x
200504n/aCitizen Advisory Committee   Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources$20,000$0x
200505a1an/aHCP III - Project Coordination and Mapping (1a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$175,000x
200505a1bn/aHCP III - Restorable Wetlands Inventory (1b)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$50,000xx
200505a2an/aHCP III - Hides for Habitat-Restoration (2a)MN Deer Hunters Association$0$50,000xxx
200506bn/aLAWCON Federal Reimbursements MN DNR$1,600,000$0xxx
200505a2bn/aHCP III - Partners for Wildlife (2b)US Fish and Wildlife Service$0$50,000xxx
200505a2c3c4in/aHCP III - Living Lakes Enhancement/Easements/Acquisition (2c3c4i)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$450,000xxx
200505a2dn/aHCP III - Shallow Lakes Management (2d)MN DNR$0$98,000xxx
200505a2e1n/aHCP III - Lower Butcher Knife Chain Waterfowl Project (2e1)Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians$0$50,000xxx
200505a2e2n/aHCP III - Circle of Flight (2e2)Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe$0$28,000xx
200506cn/aState Park and Recreation Area Revenue-Enhancing Development - - GOVERNOR VETO MN DNR$200,000$0
200505a2e3n/aHCP III - Wild Rice Habitat Restoration (2e3)Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa Indians$0$0xxxx
200505a2gn/aHCP III - Wildlife Areas Management (2g)MN DNR$0$125,000xxx
200505a2in/aHCP III - Set out Seedlings (2i)National Wild Turkey Federation$0$50,000xxx
200505a2kn/aHCP III - Prairie Management (2k)MN DNR$0$133,000xx
200505a3an/aHCP III - Shorelands Protection Program (3a)Minnesota Land Trust$0$230,000xxx
200505a3bn/aHCP III - Forest Legacy (3b)MN DNR$0$80,000xxxx
200505a3en/aHCP III - RIM Reserve Program (3e)Board of Water and Soil Resources$0$200,000xx
200505a4an/aHCP III - Prairie Heritage Fund and Critical Lands Conservation Initiative III (4a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$404,300xxx
200505a4bn/aHCP III - Fisheries Land Acquisition (4b)MN DNR$0$280,000xxxx
200505a4cn/aHCP III - Critical Lands Protection Program (4c)The Trust for Public Land$0$425,000xxx
200505a4fn/aHCP III - Minnesota NWTF Super Fund (4f)National Wild Turkey Federation$0$20,000xxx
200505a4gn/aHCP III - Campaign for Conservation (4g)The Nature Conservancy$0$350,000xxx
200505a4hn/aHCP III - Minnesota Valley Refuge Expansion (4h)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$126,878xxxx
200904bn/aState Trail Acquisition MN DNR$1,000,000$0xNW, Central, SE
200505a4jn/aHCP III - Professional Services (4j)MN DNR$0$27,350xx
200505bn/aMetropolitan Area Wildlife Corridors - Phase II MN DNR$3,530,000$0xxxxxx
200505b1.1n/aMeCC II - Development and Coordination (1.1)MN DNR$0$160,000x
200505b2.1n/aMeCC II - Wetland Restoration and Enhancement (2.1)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$200,000xxxx
200506nn/aCannon Valley Trail Belle Creek Bridge Replacement Cannon Valley Trail Joint Powers Board$300,000$0x
201003bn/aUpdating the Minnesota Wetlands Inventory: Phase 2 MN DNR$1,100,000$0xxStatewide
200505b2.2n/aMeCC II - Grassland Enhancement and Restoration Initiative (2.2)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$50,000xxx
200505b2.3n/aMeCC II - Restore and Enhance Significant Habitat (2.3)Friends of the Mississippi River$0$90,000xxxx
200505b2.4n/aMeCC II - Lower Minnesota River Watershed Restoration & Enhancement Project (2.4)Friends of the Minnesota Valley$0$40,000xxx
200505b2.5n/aMeCC II - Restore and Enhance Significant Habitat (2.5)Great River Greening$0$100,000xxx
200505b2.6/3.4n/aMeCC II - Habitat Restoration/Enhancement/Acquisition Grants (2.6/3.4)MN DNR$0$1,200,000xxx
200506on/aArrowhead Regional Bike Trail Connections Plan Arrowhead Regional Development Commission$83,000$0xx
200505b2.7/3.6n/aMeCC II - SNA Restoration/Enhancement/Acquisition (2.7/3.6)MN DNR$0$300,000xxx
200505b3.1n/aMeCC II - Critical Lands Protection Program (3.1)The Trust for Public Land$0$620,000xxx
200505b3.2n/aMeCC II - Protecting Significant Habitat by Acquiring Conservation Easements (3.2)Minnesota Land Trust$0$230,000xx
200505b3.3n/aMeCC II - Fee Acquisition for Significant Habitat in the Minnesota River Valley (3.3)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$230,000xxx
200505b3.5n/aMeCC II - DNR Fish and Wildlife Acquisition & Development (3.5)MN DNR$0$290,000xxx
200506pn/aLand Acquisition, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum U of MN - MN Landscape Arboretum$650,000$0xxx
200505b3.7n/aMeCC II - Forest Legacy Conservation Easement Acquisition (3.7)MN DNR$0$20,000xxxx
200505cn/aDevelopment of Scientific and Natural Areas MN DNR$134,000$0xxx
200505en/aLocal Initiative Grants - Conservation Partners and Environmental Partnerships MN DNR$500,000$0xxxx
200505fn/aMinnesota Releaf Community Forest Development & Protection MN DNR$500,000$0xxxx
200505gn/aIntegrated and Pheromonal Control of Common Carp - RESEARCH U of MN$550,000$0xxxx
200505hn/aBiological Control of European Buckthorn and Garlic Mustard - RESEARCH MN DNR$200,000$0xxx
200505in/aLand Exchange Revolving Fund for Aitkin, Cass, and Crow Wing Counties - - GOVERNOR VETOAitkin County$500,000$0xx
200506an/aState Park and Recreation Area Land Acquisition MN DNR$2,000,000$0xxx
200506en/aMetropolitan Regional Parks Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Development Metropolitan Council$2,000,000$0xxx
200506fn/aGitchi-Gami State Trail MN DNR$500,000$0x
200506gn/aCasey Jones State Trail MN DNR$1,200,000$0x
200506hn/aPaul Bunyan State Trail Connection MN DNR$400,000$0x
200506in/aMinnesota River Trail Planning U of MN$200,000$0xx
200506jn/aLocal Initiative Grants-Parks and Natural Areas MN DNR$1,200,000$0xxx
200506kn/aRegional Park Planning for Nonmetropolitan Urban Areas U of MN$86,000$0xx
200506ln/aLocal and Regional Trail Grant Initiative Program MN DNR$700,000$0x
200506mn/aMesabi Trail St Louis & Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority$1,000,000$0x
200506qn/aDevelopment and Rehabilitation of Minnesota Shooting Ranges MN DNR$300,000$0x
200507an/aLocal Water Management Matching Challenge Grants Board of Water and Soil Resources$1,000,000$0x
200507b1n/aAccelerating and Enhancing Surface Water Monitoring for Lakes and Streams Minnesota Pollution Control Agency / Minnesota Waters$350,000$0xx
200507b2n/aAccelerating and Enhancing Surface Water Monitoring for Lakes and Streams Minnesota Pollution Control Agency / Minnesota Waters$250,000$0xx
200507cn/aEffects of Land Retirements on the Minnesota River - RESEARCH US Geological Survey$300,000$0xxx
200507dn/aRecycling Treated Municipal Wastewater for Industrial Water Use Metropolitan Council$300,000$0xx
200507en/aUnwanted Hormone Therapy: Protecting Water and Public Health - RESEARCH U of MN$300,000$0xx
200507fn/aClimate Change Impacts on Minnesota's Aquatic Resources - RESEARCH - - GOVERNOR VETOU of MN - NRRI$250,000$0xx
200510bn/aPlanning for Economic Development via Energy Independence - - GOVERNOR VETO U of MN - Duluth$240,000$0xx
200507gn/aGreen Roof Cost Share and Monitoring - - GOVERNOR VETO Ramsey Conservation District$350,000$0
200507hn/aWoodchip Biofilter Treatment of Feedlot Runoff - RESEARCHStearns County Soil and Water Conservation District$270,000$0xxx
200507in/aImproving Water Quality on the Central Sands - RESEARCH U of MN$587,000$0xxx
200507jn/aImproving Impaired Watersheds: Conservation Drainage Research - RESEARCH Minnesota Department of Agriculture$300,000$0xxx
200507kn/aHydrology, Habitat, and Energy Potential of Mine Lakes Central Iron Range Initiative$500,000$0xxxxxx
200507ln/aHennepin County Beach Water Quality Monitoring Project Hennepin County$100,000$0xx
200507mn/aSouthwest Minnesota Floodwater Retention Projects Area II MN River Basin Projects Inc$500,000$0x
200507nn/aUpgrades to Blue Heron Research Vessel - - GOVERNOR VETOU of MN - Large Lakes Observatory$295,000$0x
200507on/aBassett Creek Valley Channel Restoration Minneapolis - Dept. of Community Planning and Economic Development$175,000$0xx
200507pn/aRestoration of Indian Lake   Indian Lake Improvement District$200,000$0xx
200508an/aMinnesota Biological Survey MN DNR$1,000,000$0xxx
200508bn/aSoil Survey Board of Water and Soil Resources$500,000$0xxx
200508cn/aLand Cover Mapping for Natural Resource Protection - - GOVERNOR VETOHennepin County - Environmental Services$250,000$0x
200508dn/aOpen Space Planning and Protection   Anoka Conservation District$250,000$0x
200509an/aCompleting Third-Party Certification of DNR Forest Lands MN DNR$250,000$0xx
200509bn/aThird-Party Certification of Private Woodlands U of MN$376,000$0xx
200509dn/aEvaluating Riparian Timber Harvesting Guidelines: Phase 2 - RESEARCH U of MN$333,000$0xxxxx
200509fn/aBioconversion of Potato Waste into Marketable Biopolymers - RESEARCH   Bemidji State University$350,000$0xx
200510fn/aNatural Gas Production from Agriculture Biomass - RESEARCH Sebesta Blomberg & Assoc$100,000$0xxx
200510gn/aBiomass-Derived Oils for Generating Electricity and Reducing Emissions U of MN$150,000$0xx
200510hn/aPhillips Biomass Community Energy Systems - - GOVERNOR VETOPhillips Community Energy Cooperative$900,000$0x
200510in/aLaurentian Energy Authority Biomass Project - - GOVERNOR VETOVirginia Public Utility$466,000$0x
200603n/aPhillips Biomass Community Energy System*Phillips Community Energy Cooperative$500,000$0x
200604n/aLaurentian Energy Authority Biomass Project Environmental EducationVirginia Public Utility$400,000$0x
202110c12021-466Emerging Issues: Benjamin CE AcquisitionLCCMR$185,000$0xMetro
200605n/aLand Cover Mapping for Natural Resource ProtectionHennepin County - Environmental Services$250,000$0x
200606n/aLake Superior Research - RESEARCHU of MN - Large Lakes Observatory$295,000$0xxx
200607n/aImpacts on Minnesota's Aquatic Resources from Climate Change - RESEARCHU of MN - NRRI$250,000$0xxx
200608n/aLand Exchange Revolving Fund for Aitkin, Cass, and Crow Wing CountiesAitkin County$290,000$0xxx
200609n/aRiparian Land AcquisitionMN DNR$640,000$0xxx
200610n/aStatewide Conservation and Preservation PlanLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$300,000$0x
200611n/aForest LegacyMN DNR$500,000$0xxx
2006 Sec. 19n/aLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota ResourcesLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$550,000$0x
200703an/aLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$1,278,000$0x
200703bn/aContract Administration   MN DNR$40,000$0x
200704an/aForest Legacy Conservation Easements MN DNR$2,000,000$0xx
200704b1an/aHCP IV - Project Coordination and Mapping (1a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$100,000x
200704b1bn/aHCP IV - Restorable Wetlands Inventory (1b)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$48,000xx
200704b2an/aHCP IV - Hides for Habitat Restoration (2a)MN Deer Hunters Association$0$75,000xxx
200705bn/aProtection of Rare and Unique Rock Outcrop Wetlands Renville Soil and Water Conservation District$563,000$0xxx
200704b2bn/aHCP IV - Partners for Fish and Wildlife (2b)US Fish and Wildlife Service$0$30,000xxx
200704b2c/3cn/aHCP IV - Living Lakes Enhancements (2c/3c)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$500,000xxxx
200704b2dn/aHCP IV - Shallow Lakes Assessment and Management (2d)MN DNR$0$98,000xxxx
200704b2e1n/aWITHDRAWN - HCP IV - Lower Butcher Knife Chain Waterfowl Restoration (2e1)Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians$0$33,000
200706an/aMinnesota County Biological Survey MN DNR$1,500,000$0xxx
200704b2e2n/aHCP IV - Shallow Lake and Impoundment Management (2e2)Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe$0$30,000xxxx
200704b2e3n/aHCP IV - Wild Rice Habitat Restoration (2e3)Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa Indians$0$21,000xxx
200704b2gn/aHCP IV - Wildlife Areas Management (2g)MN DNR$0$50,000xxx
200704b2hn/aHCP IV - Fish Habitat Restoration (2h)MN DNR$0$280,000xxxx
200706bn/aSoil Surveys Board of Water and Soil Resources$400,000$0xxx
200704b2i/4fn/aHCP IV - Set Out Seedlings and Acquisition (2i/4f)National Wild Turkey Federation$0$35,000xxx
200704b2kn/aHCP IV - Prairie Management (2k)MN DNR$0$100,000xx
200704b2n/3g/4gn/aHCP IV - Campaign for Conservation - Restoration (2n/3g/4g)The Nature Conservancy$0$430,000xxx
200704b2on/aHCP IV - Working Lands Initiative Partnership (2o)USFWS$0$20,000xxxx
200704b3an/aHCP IV - Shorelands Protection Program (3a)Minnesota Land Trust$0$300,000xxx
200704b3fn/aHCP IV - Habitat Encroachment Buffers (3f)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$20,000xxx
200706dn/aFor Analysis and Implementation of Critical State Natural Resource Data Collection and Mapping   U of MN - NRRI$49,000$0x
200704b4an/aHCP IV - Critical Lands Conservation Initiative IV (4a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$450,000xxx
200704b4bn/aHCP IV - Fisheries Acquisition (4b)MN DNR$0$500,000xxxx
200704b4cn/aHCP IV - Critical Lands Protection Program (4c)The Trust for Public Land$0$480,000xxx
200704b4hn/aHCP IV - MN Valley Refuge Expansion (4h)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$100,000xxxx
200707n/aEstablishment of an Emerging Issues AccountLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$160,000$0x
200704b4in/aHCP IV - Habitat Acquisition - Professional Services (4i)MN DNR$0$50,000xx
200704cn/aMetro Conservation Corridors (MeCC) - Phase III MN DNR$2,500,000$0xxxxx
200704c1.1n/aMeCC III - Coordination of MeCC program (1.1)MN DNR$0$165,000x
200704c2.1n/aMeCC III - Restore/Enhance Significant Watershed Habitat (2.1)Friends of the Mississippi River$0$53,000xxxx
200804dn/aAssessment of Riparian Buffers in the Whitewater River Watershed Whitewater Joint Powers Board$52,000$0xx
200704c2.2n/aMeCC III - Lower Minnesota River Watershed Restoration & Enhancement Project (2.2)Friends of the Minnesota Valley$0$34,000xxxx
200704c2.3n/aMeCC III - Restore/Enhance Significant Habitat (2.3)Great River Greening$0$60,000xxx
200704c2.4/3.4/4.1n/aMeCC III - Habitat Restoration/Enhance Grants and Acquisition (2.4/3.4)MN DNR$0$944,000xxx
200704c2.5/3.6n/aMeCC III - Scientific & Natural Area (SNA) Restoration & Enhancement & Acquisition(2.5/3.6)MN DNR$0$243,000xxx
200804en/aIntra-Lake Zoning to Protect Sensitive Lakeshore Areas MN DNR$125,000$0xx
200704c2.6n/aMeCC III - Stream Habitat Restoration (2.6)Trout Unlimited Inc$0$65,000xxxx
200704c3.1n/aMeCC III - Critical Land Protection Program Fee Title & Conservation Easement Acquisition (3.1)The Trust for Public Land$0$420,000xxx
200704c3.2n/aMeCC III - Protecting Significant Habitat by Acquiring Conservation Easements (3.2)Minnesota Land Trust$0$134,000xx
200704c3.3n/aMeCC III - Fee Acquisition for MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge (3.3)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$210,000xxx
200805hn/aConservation Easement Stewardship and Enforcement Program Plan   MN DNR$520,000$0x
200704c3.5n/aMeCC III - DNR Fish & Wildlife Acquisition (3.5)MN DNR$0$172,000xxx
200704en/aState Parks and Trails Land Acquisition MN DNR$1,500,000$0xxx
200704fn/aMetropolitan Regional Park System Land Acquisition Metropolitan Council$2,500,000$0xxx
200704gn/aNon-Metropolitan Regional Parks and Natural Scenic Area Acquisition MN DNR$1,000,000$0xxx
200704hn/aLAWCON Federal Reimbursement MN DNR$500,000$0xx
200704in/aBiological Control of European Buckthorn and Garlic Mustard - RESEARCH MN DNR$300,000$0xxxxx
200704jn/aNeutralization of Reed Canary Grass Rood Exudates - RESEARCH   Minnesota State University - Mankato$115,000$0xxxx
200705an/aLocal Water Management Matching Challenge Grants Board of Water and Soil Resources$350,000$0xxx
200705cn/aLand Retirement Effects on Minnesota River Basin Streams - RESEARCH US Geological Survey$275,000$0xxx
200705dn/aDemonstrating Benefits of Conservation Grasslands on Water Quality - RESEARCH Science Museum of Minnesota$374,000$0xx
200705en/aImproved River Quality Monitoring Using Airborne Remote Sensing - RESEARCH Mankato State University$159,000$0xx
200705fn/aEvaluating Riparian Timber Harvesting Guidelines: Phase 3 - RESEARCH U of MN$400,000$0xxxxx
200705gn/aInnovative Springshed Mapping for Trout Stream Management - RESEARCH U of MN$270,000$0xx
200705hn/aIntra-Lake Zoning to Protect Sensitive Lakeshore Areas MN DNR$110,000$0xxx
200705in/aWater Resource Sustainability - RESEARCH U of MN$292,000$0xx
200705jn/aCounty Geologic Atlas Program Acceleration U of MN - MN Geological Survey$400,000$0xx
200705kn/aMinnesota's Water Resources: Impacts of Climate Change - Phase II - RESEARCH U of MN - NRRI$300,000$0xxx
200705ln/aPharmaceutical and Microbiological Pollution - RESEARCH U of MN$302,000$0xx
200705mn/aThreat of Emerging Contaminants to Upper Mississippi Walleye - RESEARCH St Cloud State University$97,000$0xxx
200705nn/aCedar Creek Groundwater Project using Prairie Biofuel Buffers U of MN$659,000$0xxx
200705on/aPyrolysis Pilot ProjectU of MN$500,000$0xx
200803an/aMetro Conservation Corridors (MeCC) - Phase IV Minnesota Land Trust$3,150,000$0xxxxx
200803a1.1n/aMeCC IV - Coordination and Administration of MeCC Partnership (1.1)Minnesota Land Trust$0$470x
200803a2.1n/aMeCC IV - Restore/Enhance Significant Watershed Habitat (2.1)Friends of the Mississippi River$0$92,000xxxx
200803a2.2n/aMeCC IV - Lower MN River Watershed Restoration & Enhancement Project (2.2)Friends of the Minnesota Valley$0$107,000xxxx
200803a2.3n/aMeCC IV - Restore/Enhance Significant Habitat (2.3)Great River Greening$0$111,000xxx
200804fn/aNative Shoreland Buffer Incentives ProgramMN DNR$225,000$0xx
200803a2.4/3.4/4.1n/aMeCC IV - Grants: Habitat Restoration/Enhancements (2.4/3.4/4.1)MN DNR$0$950,000xxx
200803a2.5/3.6n/aMeCC IV - Scientific & Natural Areas Restoration and Enhancements and Fee Title Acquisition (2.5/3.6)MN DNR$0$515,000xxx
200803a3.1n/aMeCC IV - Critical Land Protection Program: Fee Title & Conservation Easement Acquisition (3.1)The Trust for Public Land$0$475,000xxx
200803a3.2n/aMeCC IV - Protecting Significant Habitat: Conservation Easements Acquisition (3.2)Minnesota Land Trust$0$225,000xx
200803a3.3n/aMeCC IV - MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge: Fee Acquisition (3.3)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$225,000xxx
200804gn/aSoutheast Minnesota Stream Restoration Projects Trout Unlimited Inc$240,000$0xxx
200803a3.5n/aMeCC IV - DNR Fish & Wildlife: Fee Title and Conservation Easement Acquisition (3.5)MN DNR$0$400,000xxxx
200803bn/aVermillion River Corridor Acquisition and Restoration in Dakota County Dakota County$400,000$0xxxx
200803c1an/aHCP V - Project Coordination and Mapping (1a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$70,000x
200803c2an/aHCP V - Hides-For-Habitat Restoration (2a)MN Deer Hunters Association$0$30,000xxx
200803c2bn/aHCP V - Partners for Wildlife (2b)US Fish and Wildlife Service$0$30,000xxx
200803c2c/3cn/aHCP V - Living Lakes Enhancements and Easements (2c/3c)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$330,000xxxx
200803c2dn/aHCP V - Shallow Lakes Management (2d)MN DNR$0$73,500xxxx
200803c2en/aHCP V - Fond du Lac - Wild Rice Habitat Restoration (2e)Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa Indians$0$27,000xxx
200803c2fn/aHCP V - Shallow Lake and Impoundment Mgmt (2f)Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe$0$30,000xxxx
200803c2gn/aHCP V - Wildlife Areas Management (2g)MN DNR$0$30,000xxx
200803c2hn/aHCP V - Fisheries Habitat Restoration (2h)MN DNR$0$200,000xxxx
200803c2in/aHCP V - Set Out Seedlings (2i)National Wild Turkey Federation$0$15,000xxx
200803c2kn/aHCP V - Prairie Management (2k)MN DNR$0$75,000xx
200803c2nn/aHCP V - Campaign for Conservation - Restoration (2n)The Nature Conservancy$0$317,000xxx
200803c2on/aHCP V - Working Lands Partnership (2o)Friends of the Detroit Lakes Wetland Management$0$20,000xxx
200803c2pn/aHCP V - Bluffland Restoration (2p)National Wild Turkey Federation$0$70,000xxx
200803c3an/aHCP V - Shorelands Protection Program (3a)Minnesota Land Trust$0$210,000xxx
200803c3en/aHCP V - RIM Reserve (3e)Board of Water and Soil Resources$0$250,000xx
200803c4an/aHCP V - Critical Lands Conservation Initiative (4a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$350,000xxx
200803c4bn/aHCP V - Fisheries Land Acquisition (4b)MN DNR$0$250,000xxxx
200803c4cn/aHCP V - Critical Lands Protection Program (4c)The Trust for Public Land$0$350,000xxx
200803c4hn/aHCP V - MN Valley Refuge Expansion (4h)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$50,000xxxx
200803c4in/aHCP V - Professional Services (4i)MN DNR$0$30,000xx
200803en/aMinnesota River Valley Green Corridor Land Protection Southwest Initiative Foundation$1,000,000$0xxx
200803fn/aScientific and Natural Area Acquisition MN DNR$1,000,000$0xxx
200803gn/aState Land Acquisition Consolidation MN DNR$500,000$0xxx
200803hn/aState Park and Trail Land Acquisition MN DNR$1,500,000$0xxx
200803in/aMetropolitan Regional Park System Land Acquisition Metropolitan Council$1,500,000$0xxx
200805gn/aConservation Easement Stewardship, Oversight and Maintenance Board of Water and Soil Resources$180,000$0x
200803jn/aLocal Initiative Grants - Regional Parks and Natural Areas MN DNR$1,000,000$0xxx
200803kn/aConservation Partners/Environmental Partnerships Matching Grant Program MN DNR$150,000$0xxx
200803ln/aCounty Trail Systems Design U of MN$175,000$0xx
200803mn/aAccelerated Prairie Management, Survey, Acquisition and Evaluation MN DNR$1,250,000$0xxxx
200803nn/aPrairie Ecosystem RestorationMartin County Soil and Water Conservation District$80,000$0xx
200803pn/aImpacts of Climate Change and CO2 on Prairie and Forest Production - RESEARCH U of MN$330,000$0xxxx
200803qn/aBiofuel Production and Wildlife Conservation in Working Prairies - RESEARCH   U of MN$750,000$0xxxxx
200804an/aFuture of Energy and Minnesota Water Resources - RESEARCH University of California - Santa Barbara$270,000$0xxx
200804bn/aAccelerating Plans for Integrated Control of the Common Carp - RESEARCH U of MN$550,000$0xxxx
200804cn/aTesting Pesticides and Degradates in Public Drinking Water Minnesota Department of Agriculture$368,000$0xx
200804h1n/aSouth-Central MN Groundwater Monitoring and County Geologic AtlasesMN DNR / U of MN$894,000$0xx
200804h2n/aSouth-Central MN Groundwater Monitoring and County Geologic AtlasesMN DNR / U of MN$706,000$0xx
200804in/aLake Superior Research - RESEARCH   U of MN - Large Lakes Observatory$86,000$0xxx
200805an/aUpdating the National Wetlands Inventory for Minnesota MN DNR$550,000$0xx
200805bn/aSoil Survey Board of Water and Soil Resources$400,000$0xxx
200805cn/aUpdating Precipitation Intensities for Runoff Estimation and Infrastructure Designs Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$100,000$0x
200805en/aRestorable Wetlands Inventory Ducks Unlimited Inc$245,000$0xxx
200807n/aEstablishment of an Emerging Issues AccountLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$155,000$0xxxx
200903an/aMinnesota County Biological Survey MN DNR$2,100,000$0xxxNW, NE
200903b1n/aCounty Geologic Atlas and South-Central Minnesota Groundwater U of MN - MN Geological Survey / MN DNR$820,000$0xxNE, Central, Metro, SW
200903b2n/aCounty Geologic Atlas and South-Central Minnesota Groundwater U of MN - MN Geological Survey / MN DNR$1,875,000$0xxNE, Central, Metro, SW
200903cn/aSoil Survey Board of Water and Soil Resources$400,000$0xxxNE, Central
200903d1n/aSpringshed Mapping for Trout Stream Management U of MN / MN DNR$250,000$0xxMetro, SE
200903d2n/aSpringshed Mapping for Trout Stream Management U of MN / MN DNR$250,000$0xxMetro, SE
200903en/aRestorable Wetlands Inventory   Ducks Unlimited Inc$300,000$0xxxNW, Central
200904an/aState Parks Acquisition MN DNR$590,000$0xxxStatewide
200904cn/aMetropolitan Regional Park System Acquisition Metropolitan Council$1,290,000$0xxxMetro
200904dn/aStatewide Scientific and Natural Area Acquisition and Restoration MN DNR$590,000$0xxxStatewide
200904e1an/aHCP VI - Project Coordination, Mapping & Data Management (1a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$100,000xStatewide
200904e2an/aHCP VI - Melvin Slough Landscape Restoration (2a)MN Deer Hunters Association$0$50,000xxxNW
200904e2bn/aHCP VI - Partners for Fish and Wildlife (2b)US Fish and Wildlife Service$0$50,000xxxxStatewide
200904e2c/3cn/aHCP VI - Shallow Lake Enhancements and Easements (2c/3c)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$475,000xxxxStatewide
200904e2dn/aHCP VI - Shallow Lake Assessment & Management (2d)MN DNR$0$145,000xxxxStatewide
200904e2gn/aHCP VI - Wildlife Areas Management (2g)MN DNR$0$50,000xxxStatewide
200904jn/aLand and Water Conservation Account (LAWCON) Federal Reimbursement   MN DNR$400,000$0xxStatewide
200904e2hn/aHCP VI - Fisheries Habitat Restoration (2h)MN DNR$0$100,000xxxxStatewide
200904e2in/aHCP VI - Bluffland Restoration/Set Out Seedlings (2i)National Wild Turkey Federation$0$85,000xxxStatewide
200904e2kn/aHCP VI - Prairie Management (2k)MN DNR$0$75,000xxStatewide
200905an/aRemoval of Endocrine Disruptors: Treatment and Education - RESEARCH - GOVERNOR VETO U of MN$275,000$0xStatewide
200904e2n/4fn/aHCP VI - Campaign for Conservation - Acquisition and Restoration (2n/4f)The Nature Conservancy$0$365,000xxxStatewide
200904e2on/aHCP VI - Prairie Landscape Restoration: Oak Savanna, Grasslands, and Wetlands (2o)Friends of the Detroit Lakes Wetland Management$0$50,000xxxNW
200904e3an/aHCP VI - Shoreland Protection Project - Conservation Easements (3a)Minnesota Land Trust$0$210,000xxxStatewide
200905bn/aVulnerability of Fish Populations in Lakes to Endocrine Disrupting Contaminants - RESEARCH U.S. Geological Survey$297,000$0xxxMetro
200904e4an/aHCP VI - Critical Lands Conservation Initiative - Acquisition (4a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$350,000xxxStatewide
200904e4bn/aHCP VI - Fisheries Land Acquisition (4b)MN DNR$0$300,000xxxxStatewide
200904e4cn/aHCP VI - Critical Lands Protection Program - Acquisition (4c)The Trust for Public Land$0$350,000xxxStatewide
200904e4hn/aHCP VI - Acquisition for Minnesota Valley Wetland Management District (4h)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$100,000xxxxSW
200905cn/aCooperative Habitat Research in Deep Lakes - RESEARCH MN DNR$825,000$0xxxxNW, NE, Central, Metro
200904e4in/aHCP VI - Professional Services (4i)MN DNR$0$25,000xxStatewide
200904fn/aMetro Conservation Corridors (MeCC) - Phase V Minnesota Land Trust$3,375,000$0xxxxxCentral
200904f1.1n/aMeCC V - Mapping and Coordination (1.1)Minnesota Land Trust$0$100,000xCentral
200904f2.3n/aMeCC V - Restore & Enhance Significant Watershed Habitat (2.3)Friends of the Mississippi River$0$90,000xxxMetro
200905dn/aIntensified Tile Drainage Evaluation - RESEARCH Science Museum of Minnesota$300,000$0xxxxCentral, Metro, SW, SE
200904f2.4n/aMeCC V - Lower Minnesota River Watershed Restoration & Enhancement (2.4)Friends of the Minnesota Valley$0$90,000xxxMetro
200904f2.5n/aMeCC V - Restore & Enhance Significant Habitat (2.5)Great River Greening$0$155,000xxxCentral, Metro
200904f2.6/3.4/4.1n/aMeCC V - Grants for Restoration, Acquisition, Easements, and Other Conservation Tools (2.6/3.4/4.1)MN DNR$0$1,175,000xxxMetro
200904f2.7/3.6n/aMeCC V - Metro SNA Acquisition, Restoration & Enhancement (2.7/3.6)MN DNR$0$410,000xxxCentral
200905fn/aMinnesota Drainage Law Analysis and Evaluation   Smith Partners PLLP$87,000$0xxxStatewide
200904f2.9/3.5n/aMeCC V - Stream Habitat Restoration and Land Acquisition (2.9/3.5)MN DNR$0$500,000xxxxMetro
200904f3.1n/aMeCC V - Critical Land Protection Program (3.1)The Trust for Public Land$0$380,000xxxCentral, Metro, SE
200904f3.2n/aMeCC V - Protect Significant Habitat by Acquiring Conservation Easements (3.2)Minnesota Land Trust$0$250,000xxMetro
200904f3.3n/aMeCC V - Fee Acquisition for Minnesota Valley NWR (3.3)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$225,000xxxMetro
200904hn/aProtection of Granite Rock Outcrop Ecosystem Renville Soil and Water Conservation District$1,500,000$0xxxCentral, SW
200906an/aBallast Water Sampling Method Development and Treatment Technology - RESEARCH Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$366,000$0xxxxNE
200906bn/aEmergency Delivery System Development for Disinfecting Ballast Water - RESEARCH US Geological Survey$125,000$0xxxxNE
200906cn/aImproving Emerging Fish Disease Surveillance in Minnesota - RESEARCH U of MN$80,000$0xxxxStatewide
200906dn/aControlling the Movement of Invasive Fish Species U of MN$300,000$0xxxxStatewide
200906fn/aWITHDRAWN - Native Plant Biodiversity, Invasive Plant Species, and Invertebrates   Concordia College$47,000$0xxNW
200907an/aOptions to De-carbonize Minnesota's Electrical Power System - GOVERNOR VETO U of MN$143,000$0xStatewide
200907bn/aProjecting Environmental Trajectories for Energy-Water-Habitat Planning U of MN$180,000$0xxxxStatewide
200908an/aContract ManagementMN DNR$158,000$0xStatewide
200908bn/aLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$1,254,000$0xStatewide
201003an/aCounty Geologic Atlases and Related Hydrogeologic Research U of MN - MN Geological Survey$1,130,000$0xxRegional
201003dn/aIntegrated, Operational Bird Conservation Plan for Minnesota Audubon Minnesota$151,000$0xStatewide
201003en/aMitigating Pollinator Decline in Minnesota - RESEARCH U of MN$297,000$0xxStatewide
201003gn/aQuantifying Carbon Burial in Wetlands - RESEARCH U of MN$144,000$0xxStatewide
201003hn/aStrategic Planning for Minnesota's Natural and Artificial Watersheds U of MN$327,000$0xxxStatewide
201003jn/aFarmland Conservation in Minnesota and the Green Acres Program Farmers Legal Action Group Inc (FLAG)$100,000$0xxxStatewide
201004cn/aState Park ImprovementsMN DNR$814,000$0xxCentral, Metro, SE
201004dn/aState Park Land Acquisition MN DNR$1,750,000$0xxxStatewide
201004en/aProtection of Rare Granite Rock Outcrop Ecosystem Renville Soil and Water Conservation District$1,800,000$0xxxCentral, SW
201004fn/aMinnesota's Habitat Conservation Partnership Supplemental Pheasants Forever Inc$1,344,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201004f2dn/aHCP VI - Shallow Lake Assessment & Management (2d)MN DNR$0$45,000xxxxStatewide
201005hn/aAssessing the Cumulative Impacts of Shoreline Development - RESEARCH U of MN$300,000$0xxxStatewide
201510-2n/aEmerging Issues: Palmer Amaranth Detection and EradicationLCCMR$0$173,000xxxxStatewide
201004f2fn/aHCP VI - Shallow Lake Habitat Enhancement and Wild Rice Enhancement and Monitoring (2f)Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe$0$50,000xxxxStatewide
201004f2hn/aHCP VI - Fisheries Habitat Restoration (2h)MN DNR$0$100,000xxxxRegional
201004f2kn/aHCP VI - Prairie Management (2k)MN DNR$0$63,000xxRegional
201004f2n/4fn/aHCP VI - Campaign for Conservation (2n/4f)The Nature Conservancy$0$164,000xxxMetro
201004f2on/aHCP VI - Working Lands PartnershipFriends of the Detroit Lakes Wetland Management$0$45,000xxxMetro
201004f2pn/aHCP VI - Bluffland Restoration (2p)National Wild Turkey Federation$0$50,000xxxStatewide
201004f3an/aHCP VI - Shoreland Protection Project (3a)Minnesota Land Trust$0$102,000xxxStatewide
201004f3cn/aHCP VI - Shallow Lake Easements (3c)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$75,000xxxxStatewide
201004f4bn/aHCP VI - Fisheries Land Acquisition (4b)MN DNR$0$100,000xxxxStatewide
201004f4cn/aHCP VI - Critical Lands Protection Program (4c)The Trust for Public Land$0$200,000xxxStatewide
201004gn/aMetropolitan Conservation Corridors Supplemental Minnesota Land Trust$1,750,000$0xxxxCentral, Metro, SE
201004g2.4n/aMeCC V - Lower Minnesota River Watershed Restoration & Enhancement Project (2.4)Friends of the Minnesota Valley$0$50,000xxxxStatewide
201004g3.1n/aMeCC V - Critical Land Protection Program (3.1)The Trust for Public Land$0$890,000xxxxStatewide
201004g3.2n/aMeCC V - Protect Significant Habitat by Acquiring Conservation Easements (3.2)Minnesota Land Trust$0$485,000xxStatewide
201005in/aTrout Stream Assessments - RESEARCH   U of MN$300,000$0xxxxSE
201004g3.3n/aMeCC V - Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Fee Title Acquisition (3.3)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$325,000xxxStatewide
201004hn/aConserving Sensitive and Priority Shorelands in Cass County Cass County Environmental Services Department$300,000$0xxxCentral
201004in/aReconnecting Fragmented Prairie Landscapes   The Nature Conservancy$380,000$0xxxRegional
201005an/aUnderstanding Sources of Aquatic Contaminants of Emerging Concern - RESEARCH U of MN$640,000$0xxxStatewide
201005bn/aManaging Mineland Sulfate Release in the Saint Louis River Basin - RESEARCH MN DNR$270,000$0xxxxNE
201005cn/aEcological Impacts of Industrial Effluent in Surface Waters and Fish - RESEARCH U of MN$340,000$0xxxStatewide
201005en/aAssessing Septic System Discharge to Lakes - RESEARCH U.S. Geological Survey$594,000$0xxxStatewide
201005fn/aEvaluation of Dioxins in Minnesota Lakes - RESEARCH U of MN$264,000$0xxxStatewide
201005gn/aAssessment of Shallow Lake Management - RESEARCH MN DNR$262,000$0xxxxStatewide
201006an/aBiological Control of European Buckthorn and Garlic Mustard - RESEARCH MN DNR$300,000$0xxxStatewide
201006bn/aEcological and Hydrological Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer - RESEARCH U of MN$636,000$0xxxxxNW, NE, Central
201006cn/aHealthy Forests to Resist Invasion - RESEARCH U of MN$359,000$0xxxxNE, Central, SE
201006dn/aBioacoustic Traps for Management of the Round Goby - RESEARCH   U of MN - Duluth$175,000$0xxxxStatewide
201007an/aAlgae for Fuels Pilot Project U of MN$900,000$0xxStatewide
201007bn/aSustainable Biofuels - RESEARCH Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve$221,000$0xxxxRegional
201007cn/aLinking Habitat Restoration to Bioenergy and Local Economies MN DNR$600,000$0xxxRegional
201007en/aLife Cycle Analysis of Options for Minnesota's Energy Needs - - GOVERNOR VETOU of MN$143,000$0xxxStatewide
201103b1n/aCounty Geologic Atlases for Sustainaable Water ManagementU of MN - MN Geological Survey$1,200,000$0xxStatewide
201103b2n/aCounty Geologic Atlases for Sustainaable Water ManagementMN DNR$600,000$0xxSE
201103cn/aCompletion of Statewide Digital Soil SurveyBoard of Water and Soil Resources$500,000$0xxxStatewide
201103dn/aUpdating the National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota - Phase IIIMN DNR$1,500,000$0xxNE
201103fn/aDetermining Causes of Mortality in Moose Populations - RESEARCH MN DNR$600,000$0xxNE
201103gn/aPrairie Management for Wildlife and Bioenergy - Phase II - RESEARCH U of MN$600,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201103hn/aEvaluation of Biomass Harvesting Impacts on Minnesota’s Forests - RESEARCH U of MN$350,000$0xxxxNE
201103jn/aInformation System for Wildlife and Aquatic Management AreasMN DNR$500,000$0xxStatewide
201103ln/aMeasuring Conservation Practice OutcomesBoard of Water and Soil Resources$340,000$0xStatewide
201103mn/aConservation-Based Approach for Assessing Public Drainage BenefitsBoard of Water and Soil Resources$150,000$0xxxCentral
201103pn/aSpecies of Concern; InvestigationsMN DNR / Audubon Minnesota$500,000$0xxStatewide
201104an/aState Park and Recreation Area OperationsMN DNR$3,627,000$0xNE
201104bn/aState Parks and Trails Land AcquisitionMN DNR$3,000,000$0xxxStatewide
201104cn/aMetropolitan Regional Park System AcquisitionMetropolitan Council$2,250,000$0xxxMetro
201104dn/aRegional Park, Trail, and Connections Acquisition and Development GrantsMN DNR$2,000,000$0xxxStatewide
201104fn/aLaSalle Lake State Recreation Area Acquisition - TRANSFERREDThe Trust for Public Land$2,000,000$0xxxNW
201104gn/aMinnesota River Valley Green Corridor Scientific and Natural Area AcquisitionRedwood Area Communities Foundation$2,000,000$0xxxSW
201104i1.1/1.2n/aMeCC VI - Coord., Mapping & Outreach & Mapping & Database Work (1.1/1.2)Minnesota Land Trust$0$40,000xMetro
201104i2.3n/aMeCC VI - Restoring Our Lands and Waters (2.3)Great River Greening$0$400,000xxxMetro
201104i2.6/3.3n/aMeCC VI - Priority Expansion and Restoration MN Valley NW Refuge (2.6/3.3)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$600,000xxxMetro
201104sn/aLand and Water Conservation Account (LAWCON) Federal ReimbursementMN DNR$750,000$0xxStatewide
201104i2.7/3.7n/aMeCC VI - Dakota County Riparian and Lakeshore Protection (2.7 / 3.7)Dakota County$0$1,035,000xxxxMetro
201104i3.1n/aMeCC VI - TPL’s Critical Land Protection Program (3.1)The Trust for Public Land$0$500,000xxxxMetro
201104i3.2n/aMeCC VI - Protect Significant Habitat by Acquiring Cons. Easements (3.2)Minnesota Land Trust$0$400,000xxMetro
201104i3.5n/aMeCC VI - Aquatic Management Area Acquisition (3.5)MN DNR$0$300,000xxxxMetro
201510-3n/aEmerging Issues: Deer Movement Related to Potential CWD Prion TransmissionLCCMR$0$449,557xxxxStatewide
201104j1an/aHCP VII - Coordination, Mapping & Data Management (1a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$51,000xStatewide
201104j2en/aHCP VII - Wild Rice/Waterfowl Habitat: Enhancement & Long-term Monitoring (2e)Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe$0$50,000xxxxCentral
201104j2gn/aHCP VII - Restoration & Management - Wildlife Management Areas (2g)MN DNR$0$30,000xxxStatewide
201105b1n/aTrout Stream Springshed Mapping in Southeast Minnesota - Phase IIIMN DNR$220,000$0xxxSE
201104j2hn/aHCP VII - Restoration & Management - DNR Fisheries (2h)MN DNR$0$200,000xxxxSW
201104j2on/aHCP VII - Prairie Pothole Restoration on Waterfowl Areas (2o)Friends of the Detroit Lakes Wetland Management$0$75,000xxxNW
201104j3an/aHCP VII - Shoreland Protection Program (3a)Minnesota Land Trust$0$450,000xxxStatewide
201104j3cn/aHCP VII - Shallow Lake Conservation Easements (3c)Ducks Unlimited Inc$0$500,000xxxxStatewide
201105b2n/aTrout Stream Springshed Mapping in Southeast Minnesota - Phase IIIU of MN$280,000$0xxxSE
201104j4an/aHCP VII - WMA/WPA Acquisition beyond Boundaries (4a)Pheasants Forever Inc$0$434,000xxxCentral
201104j4cn/aHCP VII - TPLs Critical Lands Protection Program (4c)The Trust for Public Land$0$490,000xxxStatewide
201104j4hn/aHCP VII - Priority Acquisition, MN Valley Wetland Management District (4h)Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$400,000xxxxSE
201104j4in/aHCP VII - Habitat Acquisition – DNR Professional Services (4i)MN DNR$0$20,000xxStatewide
201104kn/aNatural and Scenic Area Acquisition GrantsMN DNR$1,000,000$0xxxStatewide
201104on/aUnderstanding Threats, Genetic Diversity, and Conservation Options for Wild Rice - RESEARCH U of MN$195,000$0xxStatewide
201104qn/aRestoration Strategies for Ditched Peatland Scientific and Natural Areas - RESEARCH MN DNR$200,000$0xxxxNW
201105en/aAssessment of Minnesota River Antibiotic Concentrations - RESEARCH University of St Thomas$190,000$0xxCentral
201106an/aImproved Detection of Harmful Microbes in Ballast Water - RESEARCH U of MN - Duluth$250,000$0xxxxStatewide
201106bn/aEmerald Ash Borer Biocontrol Research and Implementation - RESEARCH Minnesota Department of Agriculture$500,000$0xxxxStatewide
201106cn/aEvaluation of Switchgrass as Biofuel Crop - RESEARCH Central Lakes College$120,000$0xxxxStatewide
201109bn/aChronic Wasting Disease and Animal HealthMN DNR$1,200,000$0xxStatewide
202110d2021-465Legislative Coordinating Commission (LCC) AdministrationLCC $2,000$0xStatewide
201109cn/aAquatic Invasive SpeciesMN DNR$5,690,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201110an/aLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$946,000$0xStatewide
201110bn/aContract AdministrationMN DNR$175,000$0xStatewide
2012Sec. 03n/aAquatic Invasive Species Cooperative Research CenterU of MN$2,000,000$0xStatewide
201303bn/aCounty Geologic Atlases - Part AU of MN - MN Geological Survey$1,200,000$0xxStatewide
201303cn/aCounty Geologic Atlas - Part BMN DNR$1,200,000$0xxCentral, Metro, NE, SE
201303dn/aUpdating the National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota ‐ Phase IVMN DNR$1,000,000$0xxNE, NW
201303gn/aImproved Rapid Forest Ecosystem and Habitat InventoryU of MN$262,000$0xxCentral, NE, NW
201303hn/aFinding Disease Resistant Elm Trees in Minnesota - RESEARCH U of MN$200,000$0xxxStatewide
201303in/aEnhancing Timber Sale Program Environmental and Economic SustainabilityU of MN$336,000$0xxCentral, NE, NW
201303jn/aEnhancing Environmental and Economic Benefits of Woodland Grazing - RESEARCH U of MN$190,000$0xxCentral, NW
201304an/aState Parks and State Trails Land AcquisitionMN DNR$1,000,000$0xxxStatewide
201304dn/aMetropolitan Conservation Corridors (MeCC) - Phase VIIMinnesota Land Trust$2,000,000$0xMetro
201511an/aLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)LCCMR$1,072,000$0xStatewide
201304d-1.1/1.2n/aMeCC VII - 1.1/1.2: Coordination and MappingMinnesota Land Trust$0$20,000xMetro
201304d--2.6/3.7n/aMeCC VII - 2.6 & 3.7: Dakota County Lakeshore and Riparian ProtectionDakota County$0$368,000xxxMetro
201304d-3.1n/aMeCC VII - 3.1: 2013 TPLs Critical Land Protection ProgramThe Trust for Public Land$0$400,000xxMetro
201304d-3.2n/aMeCC VII - 3.2: Protect Signifcant Habitat by Acquiring Conservation EasementsMinnesota Land Trust$0$300,000xxxMetro
201304d-3.3n/aMeCC VII - 3.3: Priority Expansion of Minnesota Valley National Wildlife RefugeMinnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc$0$400,000xxCentral, Metro, SE
201304gn/aMoose Habitat Restoration in Northeastern Minnesota - RESEARCH U of MN - NRRI$200,000$0xxxNE
202410b2024-002Emerging Issues 2024LCCMR$1,071,000$0XStatewide
201304in/aConservation Grazing to Improve Wildlife Habitat on Wildlife Management AreasMN DNR$600,000$0xxCentral, NW, SE, SW
201304jn/aPreserving the Avon Hills Landscape - Phase IISaint John's University$772,000$0xxxCentral
201304kn/aFrogtown Farm and Park AcquisitionThe Trust for Public Land$1,500,000$0xxxMetro
201304ln/aRestoration EvaluationsU of MN$200,000$0xxStatewide
201305an/aSustaining Lakes in a Changing Environment - Phase II - RESEARCH MN DNR$1,200,000$0xxxxStatewide
201305bn/aAssessment of Natural Copper-Nickel Bedrocks on Water Quality? - RESEARCH U of MN - NRRI$585,000$0xxxNE
201305cn/aHeron Lake Sediment and Phosphorus Reduction Implementation ProjectsHeron Lake Watershed District$122,000$0xxSW
201305dn/aSouthern Minnesota Lakes RestorationLeSueur County$463,000$0xxSE
201305en/aMeasuring Hydrologic Benefits from Glacial Ridge Habitat Restoration - RESEARCH Red Lake Watershed District$400,000$0xxxxStatewide
201305fn/aEvaluation of Lake Superior Water Quality Health - RESEARCH U of MN - Duluth$600,000$0xxxNE
201305gn/aMembranes for Wastewater-Generated Hydrogen and Clean Water - RESEARCH U of MN$246,000$0xxxStatewide
201305hn/aAntibiotics in Minnesota Waters - Phase II - Mississippi River - RESEARCH University of St Thomas$203,000$0xxCentral, Metro, SE
201308an/aLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources AdministrationLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources$990,000$0xStatewide
201306bn/aDetection and Monitoring of Asian Carp PopulationsMN DNR$540,000$0xxxxStatewide
201306cAn/aImproving Emerald Ash Borer Detection Efficacy for ControlMinnesota Department of Agriculture$240,000$0xxxMetro, SE, Statewide
201306cBn/aImproving Emerald Ash Borer Detection Efficacy for ControlMinnesota Department of Agriculture$360,000$0xxxMetro, SE, Statewide
201306dn/aElimination of Target Invasive Plant SpeciesMinnesota Department of Agriculture$350,000$0xxxStatewide
201306en/aBiological Control of Garlic Mustard - RESEARCH MN DNR$140,000$0xxxStatewide
201306fn/aZebra Mussel Control Research and Evaluation in Minnesota Waters - RESEARCH US Geological Survey$600,000$0xxxxStatewide
201306gn/aControlling Terrestrial Invasive Plants with Grazing AnimalsHiawatha Valley Resource Conservation & Development , Inc.$52,000$0xxxSE
201405in/aWild Bee Pollinator Surveys in Prairie-Grassland HabitatsMN DNR$370,000$0xxStatewide
201308bn/aContract ManagementMN DNR$135,000$0xStatewide
201403an/aSolar Driven Destruction of Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, and Contaminants in WaterU of MN$291,000$0xxStatewide
201403bn/aMethods to Protect Beneficial Bacteria from Contaminants to Preserve Water QualityU of MN$279,000$0xxStatewide
201403cn/aTriclosan Impacts on Wastewater TreatmentU of MN$380,000$0xxMetro
201403dn/a Evaluation of Wastewater Nitrogen and Estrogen Treatment OptionsU of MN$500,000$0xxStatewide
201403en/aAntibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Minnesota LakesU of MN$300,000$0xxxStatewide
201403fn/aImpacts of Estrogen Exposure on Minnesota’s Shallow Lake WildlifeUniversity of St. Thomas$136,000$0xxxxStatewide
201403gn/aWatershed-Scale Monitoring of Long-Term Best Management Practice EffectivenessScience Museum of MN - St. Croix Watershed Research Station$900,000$0xxxStatewide
201403hn/aProtection of State’s Confined Drinking Water AquifersU. S. Geological Survey$394,000$0xxStatewide
201403in/aWatershed Water Budgets for Managing Minnesota’s GroundwaterU.S. Geological Survey$129,000$0xxStatewide
201406dn/aNortheast Minnesota White Cedar Restoration – Phase 2Board of Water and Soil Resources$335,000$0xxxNE
201403jn/aIdentifying Causes of Exceptionally High Mercury in FishMN Pollution Control Agency$743,000$0xxxxCentral, NE, NW
201403ln/aRainwater Reuse and Valuation InvestigationU of MN$300,000$0xxStatewide
201403mn/aMeasuring Hydrologic Benefits from Glacial Ridge Habitat RestorationRed Lake Watershed District USGS$168,000$0xxxNW
201404an/aBlocking Bighead, Silver, and Other Invasive Carp by Optimizing Lock and DamsU of MN$854,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201404bn/aBioacoustics to Detect, Deter, and Eliminate Silver CarpU of MN Duluth$262,000$0xxxxxStatewide
201404cn/aNorthwest Minnesota Regional Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention PilotRed River Basin Commission$219,000$0xxxxxNW
201404dn/aBiosurveillance and Biocontrol of Emerald Ash Borer - Phase 2 MN Department of Agriculture$447,000$0xxxxStatewide
201404e1n/aMountain Pine Beetle Invasive Threat to Minnesota’s PinesU of MN MN Departmen