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M.L. 2021 Projects (2020)

On June 25, 2021, the Legislature adopted 74 LCCMR recommendations as tentatively recommended in 2020, provided additional funds to one tentative recommendation, reduced funds for one tentative recommendation, and modified one other. They also added 9 additional appropriations, primarily using unspent funds from prior appropriations that would otherwise return to the Trust Fund, totaling $3,932,000. On June 29, 2021, 86 appropriations were signed into law by the Governor as M.L. 2021, First Special Session, Chapter 6, Article 5, with $61,387,000 from FY21 and $3,932,000 recaptured from prior fiscal years, for $65,319,000 total appropriations.

Minnesota Session Laws - 2021, First Special Session, Chapter 6, Article 5 (beginning July 1, 2021)

M.L. 2021, First Special Session, Chapter 6

Other Formats of the M.L. 2021 projects (2020) adopted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor:

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When available, we have provided links to web sites related to the project. The sites linked to this page are not created, maintained, or endorsed by the LCCMR office or the Minnesota Legislature.

MN Laws 2021First Special Session, Chapter 6, Article 5, Section 2

Subd. 03Foundational Natural Resource Data and Information

Geologic Atlases for Water Resource Management (ID: 2020-074)

Subd. 03a     $2,000,000 TF (FY2021)

Barbara Lusardi
U of MN - MN Geological Survey

Phone: (612) 626-5119

Appropriation Language
$2,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey, to continue producing county geologic atlases to inform management of surface water and groundwater resources. This appropriation is to complete Part A, which focuses on the properties and distribution of earth materials to define aquifer boundaries and the connection of aquifers to the land surface and surface water resources.

Expanding Minnesota Ecological Monitoring Network (ID: 2020-023)

Subd. 03b     $800,000 TF (FY2021)

Holly Bernardo
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources Division

Phone: (651) 259-5134

Appropriation Language
$800,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to improve conservation and management of Minnesota's native forests, wetlands, and grasslands by expanding the partially established long-term Ecological Monitoring Network that will provide critical knowledge of how ecosystem dynamics and conditions change through time.

County Groundwater Atlas (ID: 2020-009)

Subd. 03c     $1,125,000 TF (FY2021)

Paul Putzier
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources Division

Phone: (651) 259-5692

Appropriation Language
$1,125,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to continue producing county geologic atlases to inform management of surface water and groundwater resources for drinking water and other purposes. This appropriation is for Part B, to characterize the potential water yields of aquifers and the aquifers' sensitivity to contamination.

Foundational Hydrology Data for Wetland Protection and Restoration (ID: 2020-026)

Subd. 03d     $400,000 TF (FY2021)

Jennie Skancke
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources Division

Phone: (651) 259-5721

Appropriation Language
$400,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to improve wetland protection, management, and restoration in Minnesota by completing the partially established long-term Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Network that will provide critical knowledge of wetland hydrology dynamics. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Voyageurs Wolf Project – Phase II (ID: 2020-067)

Research Project

Subd. 03e     $575,000 TF (FY2021)

Joseph Bump
U of MN - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Phone: (612) 624-2255

Appropriation Language
$575,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to study summertime wolf predation on deer, moose, and other species in the Voyageurs region to inform management of wildlife. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Expanding Restoration And Promoting Awareness Of Native Mussels (ID: 2020-025)

Research Project

Subd. 03f     $489,000 TF (FY2021)

Seth Stapleton
Minnesota Zoological Society

Phone: (952) 431- 9443

Appropriation Language
$489,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Minnesota Zoological Garden to promote mussel conservation by rearing juvenile mussels for reintroduction, researching methods to improve growth and survival in captivity, and encouraging public action to benefit water quality. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Improving Pollinator Conservation by Revealing Habitat Needs (ID: 2020-032)

Subd. 03g     $500,000 TF (FY2021)

Colleen Satyshur
U of MN - College of Biological Sciences

Phone: (608) 215-0679

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to use citizen scientists and novel analyses to determine the nesting and overwintering needs of wild bees to allow more specific protection and enhancement of pollinator habitat across the state.

Bee Minnesota - Protect Our Native Bumblebees (ID: 2020-003)

Research Project

Subd. 03h     $650,000 TF (FY2021)

Declan Schroeder
U of MN - College of Veterinary Medicine

Phone: (612) 626-1916

Appropriation Language
$650,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to protect native bee health by investigating the potential to mitigate against pathogens that may be transmissible between honeybees and wild bees and by promoting best practices to beekeepers and the public. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Bobcat and Fisher Habitat Use and Interactions (ID: 2020-005)

Research Project

Subd. 03i     $400,000 TF (FY2021)

Michael Joyce
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI

Phone: (218) 788-2656

Appropriation Language
$400,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth to identify potential solutions to reverse the fisher population decline through better understanding of habitat, diet, and activity patterns of bobcats and fishers.

Healthy Prairies III: Restoring Minnesota Prairie Plant Diversity (ID: 2020-030)

Research Project

Subd. 03j     $500,000 TF (FY2021)

Ruth Shaw
U of MN - College of Biological Sciences

Phone: (612) 624-7206

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to improve Minnesota prairie resiliency by increasing locally sourced seed availability and diversity, evaluating use of beneficial microbes in prairie restorations, and assessing adaptation and adaptive capacity of prairie plant populations.

Freshwater Sponges and AIS: Engaging Citizen Scientists (ID: 2020-027)

Research Project

Subd. 03k     $400,000 TF (FY2021)

Venugopal Mukku
U of MN - Crookston

Phone: (218) 281-8097

Appropriation Language
$400,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, Crookston, to use citizen scientists to study the geographic distribution, taxonomic diversity, and antifouling potential of freshwater sponges against aquatic invasive species.

Do Beavers Buffer Against Droughts and Floods? (ID: 2020-016)

Research Project

Subd. 03l     $168,000 TF (FY2021)

Steve Windels
National Park Service - Voyageurs National Park

Phone: (218) 283-6692

Appropriation Language
$168,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Voyageurs National Park to analyze existing data sets to determine the role of beaver populations and beaver ponds in buffering the region against droughts and floods.

Enhancing Bat Recovery by Optimizing Artificial Roost Structures (ID: 2020-022)

Research Project

Subd. 03m     $190,000 TF (FY2021)

Ed Quinn
MN DNR - State Parks and Trails Division

Phone: (651) 259-5594

Appropriation Language
$190,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to improve the survival of bats by identifying characteristics of successful artificial bat roost structures and optimizing the structures for bat use and reproduction. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Tools for Supporting Healthy Ecosystems and Pollinators (ID: 2020-064)

Subd. 03n     $198,000 TF (FY2021)

Jessica Petersen
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources Division

Phone: (651) 259-5130

Appropriation Language
$198,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to create a pollination companion guide to the Department of Natural Resources' Field Guides to the Native Plant Communities of Minnesota for conservation practitioners to better integrate plant-pollinator interactions into natural resource planning and decision-making.

Conserving Black Terns and Forster's Terns in Minnesota (ID: 2020-007)

Research Project

Subd. 03o     $198,000 TF (FY2021)

Annie Bracey
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI

Phone: (218) 341-9021

Appropriation Language
$198,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth to assess the distribution and breeding status of black tern and Forster's tern and to make conservation and restoration recommendations to improve the suitability of habitat for these two bird species in Minnesota.

Subd. 04Water Resources

Managing Highly Saline Waste from Municipal Water Treatment (ID: 2020-037)

Research Project

Subd. 04a     $250,000 TF (FY2021)

Natasha Wright
U of MN - College of Science and Engineering

Phone: (612) 219-3540

Appropriation Language
$250,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to develop a cost- and energy-efficient method of managing the concentrated saline waste from a municipal water treatment plant to increase the feasibility of using reverse osmosis for centralized water softening and sulfate removal. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Technology for Energy-Generating On-site Industrial Wastewater Treatment (ID: 2020-062)

Research Project

Subd. 04b     $450,000 TF (FY2021)

Paige Novak
U of MN - College of Science and Engineering

Phone: (612) 626-9846

Appropriation Language
$450,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to improve water quality and generate cost savings by developing off the shelf technology that treats industrial wastewater on-site and turns pollutants into hydrogen and methane for energy. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Microplastics: Transporters of Contaminants in Minnesota Waters (ID: 2020-040)

Research Project

Subd. 04c     $425,000 TF (FY2021)

Lee Penn
U of MN - College of Science and Engineering

Phone: (612) 626-4680

Appropriation Language
$425,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to study how several types of common microplastics transport contaminants of concern in Minnesota waters.

Developing Strategies to Manage PFAS in Land-Applied Biosolids (ID: 2020-013)

Research Project

Subd. 04d     $1,404,000 TF (FY2021)

Summer Streets
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Phone: (651) 757-2761

Appropriation Language
$1,404,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency to help municipal wastewater plants, landfills, and compost facilities protect human health and the environment by developing strategies to manage per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in land-applied biosolids.

Quantifying New Urban Precipitation and Water Reality (ID: 2020-055)

Research Project

Subd. 04e     $500,000 TF (FY2021)

Joe Magner
U of MN - College of Science and Engineering

Phone: (612) 626-0875

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to better guide storm water management by evaluating the groundwater and surface water interactions contributing to high water tables and damage to home basements and underground infrastructure in urban areas.

Innovative Solution for Protecting Minnesota from PFAS Contamination (ID: 2020-034)

Research Project

Subd. 04f     $250,000 TF (FY2021)

Bill Keegan
13020 Dem Con Dr
Shakopee, MN 55379-7200

Phone: (952) 224-7102

Appropriation Language
$250,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Dem-Con Companies to demonstrate a new technology for protecting the state's drinking water and natural resources by eliminating per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from point source discharges. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10, related to royalties, copyrights, patents, and sale of products and assets.


Given that it is unclear when the regulatory environment will be stabilized, Dem-Con is withdrawing our current project from LCCMR and returning the funds for reallocation to other projects benefiting Minnesota.


With the uncertain regulatory environment around PFAS in Minnesota and Federally, this project has not started and is on indefinite hold until the regulatory requirements are determined. It is difficult, if not impossible, to build a treatment system while treatment standards continue to change.

Given that it is unclear when the regulatory environment will be stabilized, Dem-Con is withdrawing our current project from LCCMR and returning the funds for reallocation to other projects benefiting Minnesota. We are hopeful that we will be able to submit a new application at a future date once the regulatory environment is determined. Thank you for your consideration and support of our project.


Given that it is unclear when the regulatory environment will be stabilized, Dem-Con is withdrawing our current project from LCCMR and returning the funds for reallocation to other projects benefiting Minnesota. We are hopeful that we will be able to submit a new application at a future date once the regulatory environment is determined. Thank you for your consideration and support of our project.

Expanding Protection of Minnesota Water through Industrial Conservation (ID: 2020-024)

Subd. 04g      $178,000 TF (FY2021)

Laura Babcock
U of MN - School of Public Health

Phone: (612) 624-4678

Appropriation Language
$178,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Minnesota technical assistance program in partnership with the Minnesota Rural Water Association to provide technical assistance to businesses to decrease industrial and commercial water use in communities at risk for inadequate groundwater supply or quality.

Subd. 05Environmental Education

Statewide Environmental Education via Public Television Outdoor Series (ID: 2020-059)

Subd. 05a     $300,000 TF (FY2021)

Cindy Dorn
Pioneer Public Television
1 Pioneer Drive
Granite Falls, MN 56241

Phone: (320) 289-2622

Appropriation Language
$300,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Pioneer Public Television to produce approximately 25 new episodes of a statewide outdoor public television series designed to inspire Minnesotans to connect with the outdoors and restore and protect the environment.


Pioneer PBS produced 26 new episodes of Prairie Sportsman, a statewide television series designed to inspire Minnesotans to connect with the outdoors and protect our valuable natural resources. Broadcast in 2022 and 2023, the two 13-episode seasons feature a wide range of topics filmed throughout the state.


Pioneer PBS produced 26 new episodes of Prairie Sportsman, a statewide television series designed to inspire Minnesotans to connect with the outdoors and to restore and protect our valuable natural resources. Broadcast in 2022 and 2023 from late January to mid-May, the two 13-episode seasons were filmed at locations throughout the state and feature a wide range of topics targeted to a diverse audience. “Evergreen” episodes are produced to engage and enlighten audiences for years to come through rebroadcasts and online viewing. The two seasons feature 28 environmental science and conservation stories and 26 outdoor sports and recreation stories. In addition, third segments feature a trivia series on how to identify look-alike native and invasive species, how to stop AIS spread, advances in AIS research, a Minnesota state symbols series, sustainable wild food foraging series, and segments on outdoor-themed art and photography.

Many Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund projects have been featured on Prairie Sportsman over the past two seasons including stories on protecting wood turtles in southeast Minnesota, reintroducing native mussels, restoring prairie and oak savanna habitats, promoting pollinator-friendly habitats, researching and stopping the spread of AIS, supporting educational programs of The Raptor Center and Trout Unlimited, promoting outdoor access through trails and fishing piers, evaluating plants that could absorb road salts, and research into fox and coyote populations increasing in urban areas. The ENRTF story “Conflicting Canines” received an Upper Midwest Emmy award, and “Mike’s Muckets,” “Save the Turtles,” “Raptor Rescue” and “Rock Snot Invasion” received Emmy nominations.

As part of this project, Pioneer PBS also produced two stand-alone videos. “Thanks a Billion Minnesota” highlights Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund projects that have been featured on Prairie Sportsman over the past six seasons. “Stewardship Starts at Home” features ways individuals can protect and restore natural resources.


Prairie Sportsman airs on all Minnesota PBS stations’ main channels, the Minnesota Channel, and online. Each episode, including rebroadcasts, airs 26 times during the year for a total of 676 airings during the two-year project. Stories are heavily promoted on social media and distributed to public agencies, learning centers, outdoor and civic organizations, educational institutions and other groups for public outreach and education. “Thanks a Billion Minnesota” airs on Pioneer PBS November 12 and the segment, “Stewardship Starts at Home,” will air during Prairie Sportsman’s 2024 season. Both will then be available online and distributed to all Minnesota PBS stations.

Minnesota Freshwater Quest: Environmental Education on State Waterways (ID: 2020-041)

Subd. 05b     $500,000 TF (FY2021)

Julie Edmiston
Wilderness Inquiry
1611 County Road B West, Ste 315
St. Paul, MN 55113

Phone: (612) 676-9400

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Wilderness Inquiry for approximately 10,000 underserved Minnesota youth to explore and improve local waterways using the place-based and hands-on Minnesota Freshwater Quest environmental education program.


Wilderness Inquiry’s Freshwater Quest engaged 8,833 youth across all regions of Minnesota. Using place-based outdoor environmental education, this project inspired the next generation of stewards of Minnesota’s natural resources, helping to preserve our state's outdoor economy and the vibrancy and health of our environment and residents.


Engaging with the natural world is a key aspect of stewardship and crucial to the health and wellbeing of communities and natural resources. Research shows that for children, direct experiences in nature are the primary determinant in developing a stewardship ethic as an adult (White, 2006). Many youths are prevented from accessing these experiences due to financial, geographic, and experience-based barriers. By combining opportunities for meaningful outdoor engagement with connection to a community of learners and explorers, Wilderness Inquiry’s Freshwater Quest creates accessible, affordable, and engaging experiences with nature that increase stewardship in the outdoors and invest in the health and vibrancy of Minnesota’s natural resources.

Wilderness Inquiry connected 8,833 diverse students to place-based, educational outdoor experiences across the state. The Freshwater Quest brought classroom learning to life with hands-on science and environmental education activities. Students conducted experiments to learn about water quality and watersheds, endangered species, and the significance water has to all living creatures. View the Freshwater Quest here.

This project also developed a network of partners including schools, educators, parents, state and local governments, indigenous-led organizations, and local outdoor clubs, all invested in the development of Minnesota’s next generation of environmental stewards. Through these partnerships this project promoted equity and inclusion in the outdoors. For many participants, Canoemobile and the Freshwater Quest provided a foundation for environmental stewardship through their first immersive experience in the outdoors.

Programs were evaluated using the tool “Hello Insight” to measure program success in increasing social-emotional learning (SEL) capacities, which is foundational to youth experiencing positive wellbeing and academic outcomes. Overall, youth program participants reported that Wilderness Inquiry’s staff excelled at providing a safe and supportive experience and pushed young people to try hard and do their best. A detailed report and evaluation results can be found on our website.


Project updates were shared about the Freshwater Quest to our wide network of diverse partners, stakeholders, and media outlets over the course of this project’s timeline. Some examples of this include: facilitating virtual professional development opportunities for MN educators, participating in MN Teach Outdoors! with over 50 MN educators, direct marketing outreaches, and media releases. After a media release, The Timberjay wrote a story about students from Tower-Soudan and Northeast Range experiencing the Canoemobile. Wilderness Inquiry also shared about the Freshwater Quest in our 2022 Year on Review on our website. The Freshwater Quest is also accessible to all Minnesotans.

Teach Science: Schools as STEM Living Laboratories (ID: 2020-061)

Subd. 05c     $250,000 TF (FY2021)

Kristen Poppleton
Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy

Phone: (612) 278-7147

Appropriation Language
$250,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy to prepare students for the challenges and careers of the future by connecting new science standards, renewable energy, and STEM opportunities in teacher trainings, classroom demonstrations, and program support across the state.

Mentoring Next Generation of Conservation Professionals (ID: 2020-038)

Subd. 05d     $500,000 TF (FY2021)

Deborah Loon
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust Inc

Phone: (612) 801-1935

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust, Inc., to provide paid internships and apprenticeships for diverse young people to learn about careers in the conservation field from United States Fish and Wildlife Service professionals while working at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge and Wetland Management District.

Jay C. Hormel Nature Center Supplemental Teaching Staff (ID: 2020-036)

Subd. 05e     $225,000 TF (FY2021)

Luke Reese
City of Austin

Phone: (507) 437-7519

Appropriation Language
$225,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Austin to expand the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center environmental education program beyond the city of Austin to students in southeastern Minnesota for three years.

375 Underserved Youth Learn Minnesota Ecosystems by Canoe (ID: 2020-001)

Subd. 05f     $375,000 TF (FY2021)

Beth Becker
YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities

Phone: (612) 330-3070

Appropriation Language
$375,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities to connect approximately 375 underserved and diverse teens from urban areas and first-ring suburbs to environmental sciences in the natural world through canoeing and learning expeditions with experienced outdoor education counselors. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

YES! Students Take on Water Quality Challenge - Phase II (ID: 2020-069)

Subd. 05g     $199,000 TF (FY2021)

Shelli-Kae Foster
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center

Phone: (320) 354-5894

Appropriation Language
$199,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center to mobilize local watershed stewardship efforts in approximately 20 communities through student-driven action projects.

Engaging Minnesotans with Phenology: Radio, Podcasts, Citizen Science (ID: 2020-021)

Subd. 05h     $198,000 TF (FY2021)

David Baes
Northern Community Radio, Inc.

Phone: (218) 326-1234

Appropriation Language
$198,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Northern Community Radio, Inc., in partnership with the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to build the next generation of conservationists using phenology, radio broadcasts, podcasts, and an online, interactive map interface to inspire teachers, students, and the public to get outside and experience nature.

Driving Conservation Behavior for Native Mussels and Water Quality (ID: 2020-017)

Subd. 05i     $191,000 TF (FY2021)

Carol Strecker
Minnesota Zoological Society

Phone: (952) 431-9568

Appropriation Language
$191,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Minnesota Zoological Garden to develop research-supported strategies to engage the public in specific conservation behaviors to improve water quality and native mussel health across the state.

Workshops and Outreach to Protect Raptors from Lead Poisoning (ID: 2020-079)

Subd. 05j      $133,000 TF (FY2021)

Julia Ponder
U of MN - Raptor Center

Phone: (612) 624-3431

Appropriation Language
$133,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, Raptor Center, in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources and other conservation partners, to provide hunters with outreach and workshops on alternatives to lead hunting ammunition, including copper ammunition as an alternative, and to promote voluntary selection of nontoxic ammunition to protect raptors and other wildlife in Minnesota from accidental lead poisoning caused by ingestion of ammunition fragments.

Subd. 06Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species

Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (MITPPC) - Phase V (ID: 2020-043)

Subd. 06a     $5,000,000 TF (FY2021)

Robert Venette

Phone: (612) 301-1405

Appropriation Language
$5,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to support the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center to fund approximately 15 new, high-priority research projects that will lead to better management of invasive plants, pathogens, and pests on Minnesota's natural and agricultural lands. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Protect Community Forests by Managing Ash for Emerald Ash Borer (ID: 2020-054)

Subd. 06b     $3,500,000 TF (FY2021)

Valerie McClannahan
MN DNR - Forestry Division

Phone: (651) 792-5125

Appropriation Language
$3,500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to reduce emerald ash borer by providing surveys, assessments, trainings, assistance, and grants for communities to manage emerald ash borer, plant a diversity of trees, and engage citizens in community forestry activities. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Biological Control of White-Nose Syndrome in Bats - Phase III (ID: 2020-004)

Research Project

Subd. 06c     $440,000 TF (FY2021)

Christine Salomon
U of MN - College of Pharmacy

Phone: (612) 626-3698

Appropriation Language
$440,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to continue assessing and developing a biocontrol agent for white-nose syndrome in bats.

Applying New Tools and Techniques Against Invasive Carp (ID: 2020-002)

Subd. 06d     $478,000 TF (FY2021)

Brian Nerbonne
MN DNR - Fish and Wildlife Division

Phone: (651) 259-5789

Appropriation Language
$478,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to apply new monitoring, outreach, and removal techniques and to continue work with commercial anglers to protect Minnesota waters from invasive carp.

Emerald Ash Borer and Black Ash: Maintaining Forests and Benefits (ID: 2020-020)

Research Project

Subd. 06e     $700,000 TF (FY2021)

Alexis Grinde
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI

Phone: (218) 788-2747

Appropriation Language
$700,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to use ongoing experiments to determine statewide long-term emerald ash borer impacts on water, vegetation, and wildlife; to determine optimal replacement species and practices for forest diversification; and to develop criteria for prioritizing mitigation activities. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Testing Effectiveness of Aquatic Invasive Species Removal Methods (ID: 2020-063)

Research Project

Subd. 06f     $110,000 TF (FY2021)

Valerie Brady
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI

Phone: (218) 788-2753

Appropriation Language
$110,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth to test how well boat-cleaning methods work, to provide the Department of Natural Resources with a risk assessment, and to provide recommendations for improving boat-launch cleaning stations to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Invasive Didymosphenia Threatens North Shore Streams (ID: 2020-035)

Research Project

Subd. 06g     $197,000 TF (FY2021)

Mark Edlund
Science Museum of Minnesota - St. Croix Watershed Research Station

Phone: (701) 317-4245

Appropriation Language
$197,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Science Museum of Minnesota to evaluate the recent spread, origin, cause, and economic and ecological threat of didymo formation in North Shore streams and Lake Superior to inform management and outreach.

Subd. 07Air Quality, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy

Storing Renewable Energy in Flow Battery for Grid Use (ID: 2020-073)

Research Project

Subd. 07a     $250,000 TF (FY2021)

Bryan Herrmann
U of MN - Morris

Phone: (320) 589-6038

Appropriation Language
$250,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, on behalf of the Morris campus, to analyze the potential of adding a flow battery and solar energy generation to the University of Minnesota Morris's existing renewable-energy-intensive microgrid.

Eco-Friendly Plastics from Cloquet Pulp-Mill Lignin (ID: 2020-018)

Research Project

Subd. 07b     $193,000 TF (FY2021)

Simo Sarkanen
U of MN - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Phone: (612) 624-6227

Appropriation Language
$193,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to reduce environmental pollution from plastics by creating eco-friendly replacements using lignin from the pulp mill in Cloquet, Minnesota. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Diverting Unsold Food from Landfills and Reducing Greenhouse Gases (ID: 2020-014)

Subd. 07c     $130,000 TF (FY2021)

Julie Vanhove
Second Harvest Heartland
7101 Winnetka Ave N.
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428

Phone: (651) 209-7984

Appropriation Language
$130,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Second Harvest Heartland to prevent food from going to landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by helping businesses donate unsold prepared food to food shelves.


During the grant period, we collected over 400,000 pounds of prepared and perishable foods that helped to serve our partners and diverted food waste from landfills. We enrolled 150 new donors to the program and 29 agencies that can receive donations.


While we were not able to get back to pre-Covid levels of engagement for this program, we found many new partners and expanded our relationships with others. During the grant period, we collected over 400,000 pounds of prepared and perishable foods that helped to serve our partners and diverted food waste from landfills. We enrolled 150 new donors to the program and 29 agencies that can receive donations. St. Paul Public Schools has been one of our most engaged partners, which has led us to connect with and start donation programs with several other school districts. Overall, this project has resulted in less organic material being put into landfills, lower greenhouse gas emissions through this reduction, increased amounts of food going to hungry and food-insecure Minnesotans, and the establishment of a new framework for food rescue partners to continue reductions into the future. We continue to look at new and innovative ways of increasing these donations and how the donations make it to our partners using both donor volunteers and middle mile volunteers. We remain focused on increasing partners and donations available and ensuring that the capabilities of the Meal Connect platform are widely known.


We highlighted the work of this project in several ways - web stories featuring donors (D'Amico, VA Medical Center, and St. Paul Public Schools) and agencies (Ascension Place). We also distributed 45 media kits to existing and potential donors that acknowledge ENRTF as we are onboarding new partners.

Subd. 08Methods to Protect, Restore, and Enhance Land, Water, and Habitat

Pollinator Central: Habitat Improvement with Citizen Monitoring (ID: 2020-050)

Subd. 08a     $750,000 TF (FY2021)

Rebecca Tucker
Great River Greening

Phone: (651) 272-3982

Appropriation Language
$750,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Great River Greening to restore and enhance approximately 400 acres of pollinator habitat on traditional and nontraditional sites such as roadsides and turf grass from Hastings to St. Cloud to benefit pollinators and build knowledge by engaging approximately 100 citizens in monitoring the impact of habitat improvements. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Strategic Habitat Program (ID: 2020-071)

Subd. 08b     $750,000 TF (FY2021)

Dan Shaw
Board of Water and Soil Resources

Phone: (612) 236-6291

Appropriation Language
$750,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil Resources for building a new initiative to strategically restore and enhance approximately 1,000 acres of diverse native habitat to benefit multiple insects through grants, cost-share, and outreach. Notwithstanding subdivision 14, paragraph (e), restorations and enhancements may take place on land enrolled in conservation reserve program and reinvest in Minnesota easement programs. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Lignin-Coated Fertilizers for Phosphate Control (ID: 2020-077)

Research Project

Subd. 08c     $250,000 TF (FY2021)

Eric Singsaas
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI

Phone: (218) 788-2648

Appropriation Language
$250,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth to test a new, natural, slow-release fertilizer coating made from processed wood to decrease phosphorus runoff from farmland while also storing carbon in soils. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Implementing Hemp Crop Rotation to Improve Water Quality (ID: 2020-031)

Research Project

Subd. 08d     $700,000 TF (FY2021)

Keith Olander
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities - Central Lakes College

Phone: (218) 894-5163

Appropriation Language
$700,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System for Central Lakes College to evaluate how hemp crops reduce nitrogen contamination of surface water and groundwater in conventional crop rotations and demonstrate the environmental and economic benefits of hemp production. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Developing Cover-Crop Systems for Sugar Beet Production (ID: 2020-012)

Research Project

Subd. 08e     $300,000 TF (FY2021)

Anna Cates
U of MN - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Phone: (612) 625-3135

Appropriation Language
$300,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to develop agronomic guidelines to support growers adopting cover-crop practices in sugar beet production in west-central and northwest Minnesota.

Native Eastern Larch Beetle Decimating Minnesota's Tamarack Forests (ID: 2020-047)

Research Project

Subd. 08f     $398,000 TF (FY2021)

Brian Aukema
U of MN - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Phone: (612) 624-1847

Appropriation Language
$398,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to understand conditions triggering eastern larch beetle outbreaks and develop management techniques to protect tamarack forests from this native insect. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Habitat Associations of Mississippi Bottomland Forest Marsh Birds (ID: 2020-029)

Research Project

Subd. 08g     $275,000 TF (FY2021)

Rob Schultz
National Audubon Society

Phone: (612) 385-8114

Appropriation Language
$275,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the National Audubon Society, Minnesota office, to evaluate habitat associations of bottomland forest birds in response to restoration actions to better target restoration efforts for wildlife. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Peatland Restoration in the Lost River State Forest (ID: 2020-048)

Subd. 08h     $135,000 TF (FY2021)

Torin McCormack
Roseau River Watershed District

Phone: (218) 463-0313

Appropriation Language
$135,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Roseau River Watershed District to collect physical attribute data from drained peatlands, incorporate the data into a decision matrix, and generate a report detailing peatland restoration potential throughout the Lost River State Forest.

Prescribed Burning for Brushland-Dependent Species - Phase II (ID: 2020-052)

Research Project

Subd. 08i     $147,000 TF (FY2021)

Rebecca Montgomery
U of MN - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Phone: (612) 624-7249

Appropriation Language
$147,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to compare the effects of spring, summer, and fall burns on birds and vegetation and to provide guidelines for maintaining healthy brushland habitat for a diversity of wildlife and plant species.

Pollinator Habitat Creation Along Urban Mississippi River (ID: 2020-051)

Subd. 08j     $129,000 TF (FY2021)

Lisa Mueller
Friends of the Mississippi River

Phone: (715) 222-8267

Appropriation Language
$129,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Friends of the Mississippi River to remove invasive plants and replace them with high-value native species at three urban sites along the Mississippi River to improve habitat for pollinators and other wildlife. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Increase Golden Shiner Production to Protect Aquatic Communities (ID: 2020-033)

Subd. 08k     $188,000 TF (FY2021)

Amy Schrank
U of MN - Duluth - Sea Grant

Phone: (612) 301-1526

Appropriation Language
$188,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Minnesota Sea Grant in Duluth to identify and demonstrate best methods for in-state production of golden shiners to address angler demand while reducing the risk of introducing and spreading invasive species and to communicate findings through reports, manuals, and workshops. Production of shiners in this project must not take place in wetlands.

Restoring Turf to Native Pollinator Gardens Across Metro (ID: 2020-078)

Subd. 08l     $197,000 TF (FY2021)

Holly Jenkins
Wilderness in the City

Phone: (651) 271-1257

Appropriation Language
$197,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Wilderness in the City to transition turf to native gardens for pollinator habitat, establish long-term volunteer stewardship networks, and help connect diverse populations with nature throughout the metropolitan regional park system. A letter of commitment from the respective regional park implementing agency must be provided before money from this appropriation is spent at a regional park within the agency's jurisdiction.

Lawns to Legumes (ID: 2020-076)

Subd. 08m     $118,000 TF (FY2021); Also see Subd. 20b

Dan Shaw
Board of Water and Soil Resources

Phone: (612) 236-6291

Appropriation Language
$118,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil Resources for demonstration projects that provide grants or payments to plant residential lawns with native vegetation and pollinator-friendly forbs and legumes to protect a diversity of pollinators. The board must establish criteria for grants or payments awarded under this section. Grants or payments awarded under this section may be made for up to 75 percent of the costs of the project, except that in areas identified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as areas where there is a high potential for rusty patched bumble bees to be present, grants may be awarded for up to 90 percent of the costs of the project.
The following amounts, estimated to be $880,000, are transferred to the Board of Water and Soil Resources for demonstration projects that provide grants or payments to plant residential lawns with native vegetation and pollinator-friendly forbs and legumes to protect a diversity of pollinators. The board must establish criteria for grants or payments awarded under this clause. Grants or payments awarded under this clause may be made for up to 75 percent of the costs of the project, except that in areas identified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as areas where there is a high potential for rusty patched bumble bees to be present, grants may be awarded for up to 90 percent of the costs of the project:
(1) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $380,000, in Laws 2016, chapter 186, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (b), Minnesota Point Pine Forest Scientific and Natural Area Acquisition; and
(2) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $500,000, in Laws 2018, chapter 214, article 4, section 2, subdivision 6, paragraph (d), Developing RNA Interference to Control Zebra Mussels.
(d) Transfers and Availability
The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023

Subd. 09Land Acquisition, Habitat and Recreation

DNR Scientific and Natural Areas (ID: 2020-015)

Subd. 09a     $3,000,000 TF (FY2021)

Molly Roske
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources Division

Phone: (651) 259-5094

Appropriation Language
$3,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for the scientific and natural area (SNA) program to restore, improve, and enhance wildlife habitat on SNAs; increase public involvement and outreach; and strategically acquire high-quality lands that meet criteria for SNAs under Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.05, from willing sellers.

Private Native Prairie Conservation through Native Prairie Bank (ID: 2020-053)

Subd. 09b     $2,000,000 TF (FY2021)

Judy Schulte
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources Division

Phone: (507) 637-6016

Appropriation Language
$2,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to provide technical stewardship assistance to private landowners, restore and enhance native prairie protected by easements in the native prairie bank, and acquire easements for the native prairie bank in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 84.96, including preparing initial baseline property assessments. Up to $60,000 of this appropriation may be deposited in the natural resources conservation easement stewardship account, created in Minnesota Statutes, section 84.69, proportional to the number of easement acres acquired.

Minnesota State Parks and State Trails Inholdings (ID: 2020-044)

Subd. 09c     $3,500,000 TF (FY2021)

Shelby Kok
MN DNR - State Parks and Trails Division

Phone: (651) 259-5590

Appropriation Language
$3,500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to acquire high-priority inholdings from willing sellers within the legislatively authorized boundaries of state parks, recreation areas, and trails to protect Minnesota's natural heritage, enhance outdoor recreation, and promote tourism.

Grants for Local Parks, Trails, and Natural Areas (ID: 2020-028)

Subd. 09d     $2,400,000 TF (FY2021)

Audrey Mularie
MN DNR - State Parks and Trails Division

Phone: (651) 259-5549

Appropriation Language
$2,400,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to solicit, rank, and fund competitive matching grants for local parks, trail connections, and natural and scenic areas under Minnesota Statutes, section 85.019. This appropriation is for local nature-based recreation, connections to regional and state natural areas, and recreation facilities and may not be used for athletic facilities such as sport fields, courts, and playgrounds.

Mississippi River Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Mussel Reintroduction (ID: 2020-046)

Subd. 09e     $1,800,000 TF (FY2021)

Adam Arvidson
Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board

Phone: (612) 230-6470

Appropriation Language
$1,800,000 the second year is from the trust fund. Of this amount, $1,549,000 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and $251,000 is to the commissioner of natural resources to restore lost habitat and reintroduce mussels in the Mississippi River above St. Anthony Falls. This work includes creating habitat and species restoration plans, implementing the restoration plans, and monitoring effectiveness of the restoration for multiple years after implementation. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2027, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Minnesota Hunter Walking Trails: Public Land Recreational Access (ID: 2020-042)

Subd. 09f     $300,000 TF (FY2021)

Scott Johnson
Ruffed Grouse Society

Phone: (412) 860-3481

Appropriation Language
$300,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Ruffed Grouse Society to improve Minnesota's hunter walking trail system by restoring or upgrading trailheads and trails, developing new walking trails, and compiling enhanced maps for use by managers and the public.

Turning Back to Rivers: Environmental and Recreational Protection (ID: 2020-065)

Subd. 09g     $1,000,000 TF (FY2021)

DJ Forbes
The Trust for Public Land

Phone: (651) 999-5325

Appropriation Language
$1,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with The Trust for Public Land to help local communities acquire priority land along the Mississippi, St. Croix, and Minnesota Rivers and their tributaries to protect natural resources, provide buffers for flooding, and improve access for recreation.

Metropolitan Regional Parks System Land Acquisition - Phase VI (ID: 2020-072)

Subd. 09h     $1,000,000 TF (FY2021)

Jessica Lee
Metropolitan Council

Phone: (651) 602-1621

Appropriation Language
$1,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Metropolitan Council for grants to acquire land within the approved park boundaries of the metropolitan regional park system. This appropriation must be matched by at least 40 percent of nonstate money.

Minnesota State Trails Development (ID: 2020-045)

Subd. 09i     $994,000 TF (FY2021)

Kent Skaar
MN DNR - State Parks and Trails Division

Phone: (651) 259-5636

Appropriation Language
$994,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to expand high-priority recreational opportunities on Minnesota's state trails by rehabilitating, improving, and enhancing existing state trails. The high-priority trail bridges to be rehabilitated or replaced under this appropriation include, but are not limited to, those on the Taconite, Great River Ridge, and C. J. Ramstad/Northshore State Trails.

Elm Creek Restoration - Phase IV (ID: 2020-019)

Subd. 09j     $500,000 TF (FY2021)

Heather Nelson
City of Champlin

Phone: (763) 923-7120

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Champlin to conduct habitat and stream restoration of approximately 0.7 miles of Elm Creek shoreline above Mill Pond Lake and through the Elm Creek Protection Area.

Superior Hiking Trail as Environmental Showcase (ID: 2020-060)

Subd. 09k     $450,000 TF (FY2021)

Lisa Luokkala
Superior Hiking Trail Association

Phone: (218) 834-2700

Appropriation Language
$450,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Superior Hiking Trail Association to rebuild damaged and dangerous segments and create a new trail segment of the Superior Hiking Trail to minimize environmental impacts, make the trail safer for users, and make the trail more resilient for future use and conditions.

Upper St. Anthony Falls Enhancements (ID: 2020-066)

Subd. 09l     $2,800,000 TF (FY2021)

Kjersti Monson
Friends of the Falls

Phone: (612) 836-8266

Appropriation Language
$2,800,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Friends of the Lock and Dam in partnership with the city of Minneapolis to design and install green infrastructure, public access, and habitat restorations on riverfront land at Upper St. Anthony Falls for water protection, recreation, and environmental education purposes. Of this amount, up to $600,000 is for planning, design, and engagement. No funds from this appropriation may be spent until Congress directs the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to convey an interest in the Upper St. Anthony Falls property to the city of Minneapolis for use as a visitor center. After this congressional act is signed into law, up to $100,000 of the planning, design, and engagement funds may be spent. The remaining planning, design, and engagement funds may be spent after a binding agreement has been secured to acquire the land or access and use rights to the land for at least 25 years. Any remaining balance of the appropriation may be spent on installing enhancements after the Upper St. Anthony Falls land has been acquired by the city of Minneapolis.

Whiskey Creek and Mississippi River Water Quality, Habitat, and Recreation (ID: 2020-068)

Subd. 09m     $500,000 TF (FY2021)

Tim Terrill
Mississippi Headwaters Board

Phone: (218) 824-1189

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Mississippi Headwaters Board to acquire and transfer approximately 13 acres of land to the city of Baxter for future construction of water quality, habitat, and recreational improvements to protect the Mississippi River.

Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail (West Segment) (ID: 2020-049)

Subd. 09n     $2,600,000 TF (FY2021)

Matthew Yavarow
Otter Tail County
505 South Court Street, Suite 1
Fergus Falls, MN 56537

Phone: (218) 998-8470

Appropriation Language
$2,600,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Otter Tail County to construct the west segment of the 32-mile Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail that will connect the city of Pelican Rapids to Maplewood State Park.


Otter Tail County with the help of funding provided by LCCMR were able to build a 7.02-mile multi-modal trail system that connects the city of Pelican Rapids and residents of Otter Tail County to Maplewood State Park. This infrastructure allows people to get outside and enjoy the natural environment.


Otter Tail County was able to create a multi-modal trail corridor by constructing the West Segment of the Heart of the Lakes Regional Trail. This trail connection from Pelican Rapids to Maplewood State Park enhances the recreational opportunities by connecting one of the most racially-and ethnically-diverse rural communities in outstate Minnesota to the state park. Maplewood State Park is a significant environmental destination for visitors and residents alike, as it hosted over 154,000 visitors in 2017 alone. Residents and visitors are now provided with a low cost and safer off-road option in order to commute between Pelican Rapids to Maplewood State Park. This trail corridor also provides for a safer alternative route for residents to be outside and enjoy outdoor recreation opportunities and enjoy nature while improving their health by walking, bicycling, roller blading, and running. This trail corridor does not allow the use of motorized vehicles during the non-snowy months, but we are working with the local snowmobile clubs to have the corridor groomed for snowmobile usage during the winter. The Pelican Rapids High School men's and women's cross-country teams use the trail as a training ground for their sport, as the trail provides a safer corridor for them to train away from vehicular traffic on the roadways. During the upcoming 2024 construction season, the final segment of the Heart of the Lakes Regional Trail will be constructed through Maplewood State Park that will then connect the communities of Pelican Rapids to Perham by a multi-modal trail.


Otter Tail County has created and placed wayfinding maps at kiosks along the Trail. The ENRTF logo is used on the kiosks and on the County website on the segment-specific pages of the Trail. Otter Tail County will also be creating a trail promotional video in the spring of 2024, which will also display the ENRTF logo.

Crow Wing County Community Natural Area Acquisition (ID: 2020-011)

Subd. 09o     $400,000 TF (FY2021)

Tom Strack
Crow Wing County
322 Laurel St
Brainerd, MN 56401

Phone: (218) 824-1138

Appropriation Language
$400,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Crow Wing County to acquire approximately 65 acres of land adjacent to the historic fire tower property to allow for diverse recreational opportunities while protecting wildlife habitat and preventing forest fragmentation. Any revenue generated from selling products or assets developed or acquired with this appropriation must be repaid to the trust fund unless a plan is approved for reinvestment of income in the project as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.


We acquired nearly 70 acres of private land adjacent to our historic fire tower county park, protecting and buffering the park from nearby development as well as providing additional area for the park to be expanded and protecting the natural resources in the area.


We acquired a historic fire tower and the 40 acres it sits on from the MN DNR in 2018. The property was surrounded by private land on three sides and a county road on one side. This project allowed us to acquire the private land on two sides creating more of a buffer and allowing us to expand the park and protect the natural resources. We acquired an additional three private parcels (67.5 acres) adjacent to the original 40 acre park boundary, making the total county park approximately 107.5 acres in size. This was a very straightforward land acquisition project. We purchased 40 acres from Carl Boberg, and another 27.5 acres from a family trust. County residents and visitors can now enjoy the 100+ acre park, year round, free of charge. It’s conveniently located right off Highway 371 and it’s our highest use park, averaging about 50 vehicles per day. The park includes interpretive signs about the area’s natural resources to help educate folks on land management.


Now that we’ve completed the land purchase, we will create new trails on the property, and we’ll update our maps to reflect the new trails as well as the new park boundary. These maps are available on our county website as well as in our office in a large recreation focused display, free for customers to grab anytime. We also provide maps to local chambers of commerce when requested.

Rocori Trail - Phase III (ID: 2020-057)

Subd. 09p     $1,200,000 TF (FY2021)

Pete Weber
Rocori Trail Construction Board

Phone: (320) 685-3653

Appropriation Language
$1,200,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Rocori Trail Construction Board to design and construct Phase III of the Rocori Trail along the old Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail corridor between the cities of Cold Spring and Rockville.

Mesabi Trail: New Trail and Additional Funding (ID: 2020-039)

Subd. 09q     $1,000,000 TF (FY2021)

Bill Dahl
St. Louis & Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority

Phone: (218) 744-6150

Appropriation Language
$1,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the St. Louis and Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority for constructing the Mesabi Trail beginning at the intersection of County Road 20 and Minnesota State Highway 135 and terminating at 1st Avenue North and 1st Street North in the city of Biwabik in St. Louis County. This appropriation may not be spent until all Mesabi Trail projects funded with trust fund appropriations before fiscal year 2020, with the exception of the project funded under Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (g), are completed.

Ranier Safe Harbor and Transient Dock on Rainy Lake (ID: 2020-056)

Subd. 09r     $762,000 TF (FY2021)

Sherril Gautreaux
City of Ranier

Phone: (218) 286-3311

Appropriation Language
$762,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Ranier to construct a dock that accommodates boats 26 feet or longer with the goal of increasing public access for boat recreation on Rainy Lake. Any revenue generated from selling products or assets developed or acquired with this appropriation must be repaid to the trust fund unless a plan is approved for reinvestment of income in the project as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Crane Lake Voyageurs National Park Campground and Visitor Center (ID: 2020-010)

Subd. 09s     $3,100,000 TF (FY2021)

Jim Janssen
Town of Crane Lake

Phone: (218) 340-0867

Appropriation Language
$3,100,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the town of Crane Lake to design and construct a new campground and to plan and preliminarily prepare a site for constructing a new Voyageurs National Park visitor center on land acquired for these purposes in Crane Lake. Any revenue generated from selling products or assets developed or acquired with this appropriation must be repaid to the trust fund unless a plan is approved for reinvestment of income in the project as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Chippewa County Acquisition, Recreation, and Education (ID: 2020-006)

Subd. 09t     $160,000 TF (FY2021)

Scott Williams
Chippewa County

Phone: (320) 226-2653

Appropriation Language
$160,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Chippewa County to acquire wetland and floodplain forest and abandoned gravel pits along the Minnesota River to provide water filtration, education, and recreational opportunities.

Sportsmen's Training and Developmental Learning Center (ID: 2020-058)

Subd. 09u     $85,000 TF (FY2021)

Ray Sogard
Minnesota Forest Zone Trappers Association
P.O. Box 367
Hibbing, MN 55746

Phone: (218) 969-3425

Appropriation Language
$85,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Minnesota Forest Zone Trappers Association to complete a site evaluation and master plan for the Sportsmen's Training and Developmental Learning Center near Hibbing. Any revenue generated from selling products or assets developed or acquired with this appropriation must be repaid to the trust fund unless a plan is approved for reinvestment of income in the project as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.


The Minnesota Trappers Association used these funds to complete a site evaluation, master plan, and cost estimate for constructing and outfitting a Sportsmen's Training and Developmental Learning Center located on a 38 acre parcel owned by the Minnesota Forest Zone Trappers Association in Hibbing, MN.


The master plan details every aspect of this facility. The main building layout/concept details the indoor exhibit/banquet space that will accommodate 500 people, numerous exhibits, or multiple classrooms as needed. In addition, a commercial kitchen will have the ability and equipment needed to serve a large banquet or daily classrooms in need of nutrition. Further the mechanical, cold storage, retail, office, bathrooms, showers, and janitor space to assure this facility will accomplish the goals of the MFZTA. In addition, the site plan shows how the pond, bog walk, rustic campsites, outdoor classrooms, parking, and RV campsites will all fit. The cost estimates provide the blueprint for the MFZTA to pursue local, state, and Federal grants needed to make this facility a reality. This facility was inspired by a Wisconsin facility that has been successful because the convention is held the same week and month each thus allowing patrons to plan their vacations each year in order to participate in the experience. The MFZTA plans on doing the same. In addition, the partnerships that are being developed with the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association, Delta Waterfowl, Pheasants Forever, The Grouse Society, Minnesota Darkhouse and Angling Association, Ducks Unlimited, the National Rifle Association, National Wild Turkey Association, and others will promote the longevity and success of this facility. The master plan provides the blueprint that will allow us to teach individuals how the air, water, land, fish, wildlife and other natural resources interact to create the environment as we know it. Improved state policy is the goal.


The master plan details and defines the areas the MFZTA must now pursue to ensure success. Breaking the project into areas that grant writers can target grants that will ensure success. The master plan will be forwarded to all grant prospects in order that they have a clear understanding of what we are trying to accomplish. In addition signage promoting the LCCMR and ENRTF will be posted as grants become available, as well as promotional articles as they become available will be forwarded to the LCCMR.

Birch Lake Recreation Area (ID: 2020-097)

Subd. 09v     $350,000 TF (FY2021)

Cathy Hoheisel
City of Babbitt

Phone: (218) 827-0364

Appropriation Language
$350,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for a grant to the city of Babbitt to expand the Birch Lake Recreation Area by adding a new campground to include new campsites, restrooms, and other facilities. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025.

Subd. 10Emerging Issues Account; Wastewater Renewable Energy Demonstration Grants

Emerging Issues Account; Wastewater Renewable Energy Demonstration Grants (ID: 2020-080)

Subd. 10      $1,095,000 TF (FY2021)

Becca Nash
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources

Phone: (651) 296-6264

Appropriation Language
$1,095,000 the second year is from the trust fund to an emerging issues account authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.08, subdivision 4, paragraph (d). Money appropriated under this subdivision must be used for grants in consultation with the Public Facilities Authority for renewable energy demonstration projects at wastewater treatment facilities.

Subd. 11Contract Agreement Reimbursement

Contract Agreement Reimbursement (ID: 2020-008)

Subd. 11      $135,000 TF (FY2021)

Katherine Sherman-Hoehn
MN DNR - Grants Unit

Phone: (651) 259-5533

Appropriation Language
$135,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources, at the direction of the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, for expenses incurred for preparing and administering contracts for the agreements specified in this section. The commissioner must provide documentation to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources on the expenditure of these funds.

Subd. 20Transfers

Unprecedented Change Threatens Minnesota's Pristine Lakes (ID: 2020-070)

Research Project

Subd. 20a1      $482,000 TF (Transfer from M.L. 2019, Subd. 08c)

Mark Edlund
Science Museum of Minnesota

Phone: (612) 965-6946

Appropriation Language
The appropriation in Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (c), Sauk River Dam Removal and Rock Rapids Replacement, in the amount of $2,768,000, no longer needed for its original purpose is transferred as follows:
(1) $482,000 is transferred to the Science Museum of Minnesota to determine how, when, and why lakes in pristine areas of the state without obvious nutrient loading are experiencing algal blooms;
(d) Transfers and Availability The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

Wastewater Pond Optimization (ID: 2020-084)

Subd. 20a2      $700,000 TF (Transfer from M.L. 2019, Subd. 08c)

Joel Peck
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Phone: (651) 757-2202

Appropriation Language
The appropriation in Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (c), Sauk River Dam Removal and Rock Rapids Replacement, in the amount of $2,768,000, no longer needed for its original purpose is transferred as follows:
(2) $700,000 is transferred to the commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, in partnership with the Minnesota Rural Water Association and the University of Minnesota's technical assistance program, to implement a program to optimize existing pond wastewater treatment systems to increase nutrient removal and improve efficiency without requiring costly upgrades;
(d) Transfers and Availability The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

Minerals and Water: Demonstration of Three Sulfate Reduction Technology Applications (ID: 2020-083)

Subd. 20a3      $300,000 TF (Transfer from M.L. 2019, Subd. 08c)

Meijun Cai
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI

Phone: (218) 788-2686

Appropriation Language
The appropriation in Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (c), Sauk River Dam Removal and Rock Rapids Replacement, in the amount of $2,768,000, no longer needed for its original purpose is transferred as follows:
(3) $750,000 is transferred to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for academic and applied research through the MnDRIVE program at the Natural Resources Research Institute to develop and demonstrate technologies that enhance the long-term health and management of Minnesota's mineral and water resources. Of this amount, $300,000 is to support demonstration of three sulfate reduction technologies for improved water quality, and $450,000 is for continued characterization of Minnesota iron resources and for developing next-generation technologies and iron products. This research must be conducted in consultation with the Mineral Coordinating Committee established under Minnesota Statutes, section 93.0015;
(d) Transfers and Availability The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

Minerals and Water: Next-Generation Technologies and New Iron Products (ID: 2020-085)

Subd. 20a3      $450,000 TF (Transfer from M.L. 2019, Subd. 08c)

Rodney Johnson
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI

Phone: (218) 788-2717

Appropriation Language
The appropriation in Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (c), Sauk River Dam Removal and Rock Rapids Replacement, in the amount of $2,768,000, no longer needed for its original purpose is transferred as follows:
(3) $750,000 is transferred to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for academic and applied research through the MnDRIVE program at the Natural Resources Research Institute to develop and demonstrate technologies that enhance the long-term health and management of Minnesota's mineral and water resources. Of this amount, $300,000 is to support demonstration of three sulfate reduction technologies for improved water quality, and $450,000 is for continued characterization of Minnesota iron resources and for developing next-generation technologies and iron products. This research must be conducted in consultation with the Mineral Coordinating Committee established under Minnesota Statutes, section 93.0015;
(d) Transfers and Availability The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

Chloride Pollution Reduction (ID: 2020-086)

Subd. 20a4      $500,000 TF (Transfer from M.L. 2019, Subd. 08c)

Brooke Asleson
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Phone: (651) 757-2205

Appropriation Language
The appropriation in Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (c), Sauk River Dam Removal and Rock Rapids Replacement, in the amount of $2,768,000, no longer needed for its original purpose is transferred as follows:
(4) $500,000 is transferred to the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency for activities, training, and grants that reduce chloride pollution. Of this amount, $250,000 is for grants for upgrading, optimizing, or replacing water softener units. Priority for grants must be given to facilities needing improvements to comply with chloride water quality standards;
(d) Transfers and Availability The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

CWD Prion Research in Soils (ID: 2020-087)

Subd. 20a5      $336,000 TF (Transfer from M.L. 2019, Subd. 08c)

Tiffany Wolf
U of MN - College of Veterinary Medicine

Phone: (612) 625-0492

Appropriation Language
The appropriation in Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (c), Sauk River Dam Removal and Rock Rapids Replacement, in the amount of $2,768,000, no longer needed for its original purpose is transferred as follows:
(5) $336,000 is transferred to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to study chronic wasting disease prions in soils, including the assessment of sites where carcasses with chronic wasting disease have been disposed.
(d) Transfers and Availability The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

Lawns To Legumes Program Phase 2 (ID: 2020-076)

Subd. 20b      $880,000 TF (Transfers from multiple years); Also see Subd. 08m

Dan Shaw
Board of Water and Soil Resources

Phone: (612) 236-6291

Appropriation Language
$118,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil Resources for demonstration projects that provide grants or payments to plant residential lawns with native vegetation and pollinator-friendly forbs and legumes to protect a diversity of pollinators. The board must establish criteria for grants or payments awarded under this section. Grants or payments awarded under this section may be made for up to 75 percent of the costs of the project, except that in areas identified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as areas where there is a high potential for rusty patched bumble bees to be present, grants may be awarded for up to 90 percent of the costs of the project.
The following amounts, estimated to be $880,000, are transferred to the Board of Water and Soil Resources for demonstration projects that provide grants or payments to plant residential lawns with native vegetation and pollinator-friendly forbs and legumes to protect a diversity of pollinators. The board must establish criteria for grants or payments awarded under this clause. Grants or payments awarded under this clause may be made for up to 75 percent of the costs of the project, except that in areas identified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as areas where there is a high potential for rusty patched bumble bees to be present, grants may be awarded for up to 90 percent of the costs of the project:
(1) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $380,000, in Laws 2016, chapter 186, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (b), Minnesota Point Pine Forest Scientific and Natural Area Acquisition; and
(2) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $500,000, in Laws 2018, chapter 214, article 4, section 2, subdivision 6, paragraph (d), Developing RNA Interference to Control Zebra Mussels.
(d) Transfers and Availability
The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

Emerging Issues Account (ID: 2020-090)

Subd. 20c      $393,000 TF (Transfers from multiple years)

Becca Nash
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources

Phone: (651) 296-2406

Appropriation Language
The following amounts, estimated to be $284,000, are transferred to an emerging issues account authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.08, subdivision 4, paragraph (d):
(1) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $100,000, in Laws 2015, chapter 76, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (b), Propagating Native Plants and Restoring Diverse Habitats;
(2) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $50,000, in Laws 2016, chapter 186, section 2, subdivision 6, paragraph (c), Advancing Microbial Invasive Species Monitoring from Ballast Discharge;
(3) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $11,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 5, paragraph (a), Connecting Youth to Minnesota Waterways through Outdoor Classrooms;
(4) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $43,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 5, paragraph (e), Local Planning and Implementation Efforts for Bird Habitat;
(5) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $30,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (a), Optimizing the Nutrition of Roadside Plants for Pollinators;
(6) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $10,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 8, paragraph (f), Prescribed-Fire Management for Roadside Prairies;
(7) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $20,000, in Laws 2018, chapter 214, article 4, section 2, subdivision 4, paragraph (a), Pilot Program to Optimize Local Mechanical and Pond Wastewater-Treatment Plants; and
(8) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $20,000, in Laws 2018, chapter 214, article 4, section 2, subdivision 6, paragraph (e), Install and Evaluate an Invasive Carp Deterrent for Mississippi River Locks and Dams.
(d) Transfers and Availability
The transfers under this subdivision are effective June 30, 2021, and the transferred amounts are available until June 30, 2023.

Sub-Projects M.L. 2020, Subd. 20c:

  • 01: Emerging Issues Reducing Turtle Mortality (ID: 2020-099) - $249,000
  • 02: Emerging Issues Haskell Street CE Acquisition (ID: 2020-098) - $104,000

Sub-Project 01: Emerging Issues Reducing Turtle Mortality (ID: 2020-099) - $249,000 TF

Christopher Smith
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (612) 741-7678

Sub-Project 02: Emerging Issues Haskell Street CE Acquisition (ID: 2020-098) - $104,000 TF

Lisa West
Dakota County
1590 Highway 55
Hastings, MN 55033

Phone: (952) 891-7018