The LCCMR is currently working on a new strategic plan to help guide future funding from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) for projects that protect, conserve, preserve, and enhance Minnesota’s air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources. (Learn more about the LCCMR and the ENRTF.) The strategic planning process is a requirement of the LCCMR’s governing law.
The LCCMR created a Subcommittee on Strategic Planning in late Fall 2023 to lead strategic planning efforts. See below for more information and resources about the 2024 strategic planning process.
The process will include reviewing the LCCMR’s current strategic plan, reviewing 2019 strategic planning efforts, gathering and analyzing public input, and drafting a new strategic plan.
The Subcommittee gathered public input in the spring of 2024 through a public survey, a subject matter expert survey, and the following listening sessions:
At Subcommittee meetings during the summer of 2024, this public input will be used to inform future ENRTF goals and strategies, potential changes to the proposal solicitation, review, and recommendation process, and other topics. The Subcommittee will draft a new strategic plan in the fall of 2024, which will be available for public review. The full Commission will review and consider the draft strategic plan in November and December of 2024.
Details about past and upcoming Subcommittee meetings, including meetings minutes and video from previous meetings, can be found on the LCCMR Meeting Schedule page.
Process updates and survey results for the public and subject matter surveys. Presented at the June 10 LCCMR meeting.
Detailed responses to public survey question about big, bold ideas for protecting or enhancing Minnesota’s environment, natural resources, and outdoor recreation. Presented at the June 10 LCCMR meeting.
Detailed responses to subject matter expert survey question about aspirational goals that respondents think the ENRTF could help Minnesota achieve. Presented at the June 10 Subcommittee meeting.
Detailed responses to subject matter expert survey question about how the ENRTF can help Minnesota be a leader nationally and internationally on environmental and natural resources issues. Presented at the June 10 Subcommittee meeting.