EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE-CITIZEN COMMISSION ON MINNESOTA RESOURCES MINUTES Wednesday, July 18, 2018 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. State Office Building, Room 10 St. Paul, MN 55155 Members Present: William Faber, Nancy Gibson, Rep. Josh Heintzeman, Rep. Jean Wagenius (by phone) Staff Present: B. Nash, M. Varien, D. Griffith, J. Menchikov (LCC) Members Excused: Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen, Sen. David Tomassoni Members Absent: Vice Co-Chair: Rep. Josh Heintzeman Chair Heintzeman started the meeting at 8:15 a.m. Commissioner Wagenius called in for a quorum. 1. Approve the minutes for last Executive Committee meeting November 15, 2016 MOTION: Commissioner Faber moved to approve the minutes for November 15, 2016 - motion prevailed. 2. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today's business Member reported no conflicts of interest for today's meeting. 3. Discussion and adoption of LCCMR Operational Budget Director Nash gave an overview of the LCCMR Administration Budget. Members requested more detail on the Strategic Plan process that was used in the past and potential costs by the November meeting. Director Nash discussed staff levels and hiring another person. Mr. Greg Hubinger (Director, LCC) said the LCC does need to approve an additional staff member to the LCCMR. Mr. Hubinger said he would bring the request forward to the LCC. Members discussed. MOTION: Commissioner Gibson moved to approve the LCCMR Administration Budget for FY20-21 at $1,400,000 - motion prevailed. 4. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m.