MEMO: Agenda Item #5 DATE: December 4, 2018 SUBJECT: Procedures for acting on a previous motion Background LCCMR's governing statute states the following: 116P.05 Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources Subd. 2.Duties. (a) The commission shall recommend an annual or biennial legislative bill for appropriations from the environment and natural resources trust fund and shall adopt a strategic plan as provided in section 116P.08. Approval of the recommended legislative bill requires an affirmative vote of at least 12 members of the commission. The draft bill was acted upon by the LCCMR at the November 13, 2018 meeting and did not receive the requisite 12 votes. Action If there is a desire to take action on the bill at the December 4, 2018 meeting, the following procedure is needed: 1. Someone in the prevailing side of the original vote (i.e. someone who voted "no" on the motion on November 13, 2018) must make a motion to reconsider the draft bill 2. That motion must be voted on and adopted by simple majority If the motion to reconsider is adopted, the bill can be debated and further motions could be made, for example: 1. To amend the bill (simple majority is needed) 2. To approve the bill either as-is or as-amended (a 12 vote supermajority is needed) Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources