DRAFT - Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources Subcommittee MINUTES Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4:30 p.m. (or 30 minutes after adjournment of LCCMR Meeting) State Office Building, Room 5 St. Paul, MN 55155 Members Present: Jeff Broberg, Gary Lamppa, Rep. Jim Newberger, Sen. David Tomassoni, Rep. Jean Wagenius, Sen. Torrey Westrom Staff Present: B. Nash, M. McDonough, M. Varien, D. Griffith Members Excused: --- Subcommittee Members: Jeff Broberg, Gary Lamppa, Rep. Jim Newberger, Sen. David Tomassoni, Rep. Jean Wagenius, Sen. Torrey Westrom Co-Chair: Jeff Broberg Co-Chair Broberg convened the meeting at 2:20 p.m. 1. Approve the minutes for September 26, 2017 MOTION: Commissioner Lamppa moved to approve the minutes for September 26, 2017 - motion prevailed. 2. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today's business MS 116P.09 Subd 6 Conflict of interest. A commission member, technical advisory committee member, a peer review panelist, or an employee of the commission may not participate in or vote on a decision of the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel relating to an organization in which the member, panelist, or employee has either a direct or indirect personal financial interest. While serving on the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel, or being an employee of the commission, a person shall avoid any potential conflict of interest. Commission members reported no conflict of interest for today's meeting. 3. Continue discussions on potential LCCMR recommendation related to M.L. 2017, Chp. 96, Sec. 2, Subd. 19 * Subd. 19. Fiscal Year 2019 Recommendations (a) "For fiscal year 2019, the commission shall consider recommending loans from the corpus of the trust fund to statutory and home rule charter cities and towns with a population less than 5,000 as provided in the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, section 14. The commission shall work with the Public Facilities Authority in developing its recommendations. The commission shall include in its recommendations an analysis of using trust fund allocations for grants to the same cities and towns, including any necessary statutory changes." 4. Overview of Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Revenue, Brad Hagemeier, House Fiscal Analyst Brad Hagemeier provided an overview of the memo dated September 22 with subject line of "Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Revenue". Members discussed. 5. Update on ENRTF ID: 035-B, "Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization Pilot Program", Joel Peck, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Greta Gauthier (MPCA) and Joel Peck (MPCA) answered member's questions on his proposal titled "Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization Pilot Program". Members discussed. 6. Overview of Public Facilities Authority Water Treatment Systems Funding, Jeff Freeman Jeff Freeman provided an overview of the Public Facilities Authority (PFA). Members discussed. 7. Public Comments on M.L. 2017, Chp. 96, Sec. 2, Subd. 19 * Elizabeth Wefel, Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Elizabeth Wefel provided an overview of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. Members discussed * Craig Johnson, League of Minnesota Cities Craig Johnson provided an overview of the League of Minnesota Cities. Members discussed. * Gary Pedersen, Minnesota Association of Townships Gary Pedersen provided an overview of the Minnesota Association of Townships and provided a handout titled "MAT Supports Expanded Funding Options for Wastewater Treatment Facilities". Members discussed. 8. Other business (as needed) - Update on Legislative Water Commission Meetings Barb Huberty provided an overview of the Legislative Water Commission meeting held today and provided a handout titled "What Municipal Wastewater Problems Need Solving". Members discussed. - Next steps Commissioner Westrom handed out a sheet titled "Fiscal Year 2020" for discussion to potentially introduce at the next LCCMR Meeting. (See Attachment #1). Members discussed. MOTION: Commissioner Westrom moved to replace "xx" with "50" under section (a) on the handout titled "Fiscal Year 2020" so it now reads "...recommending up to 50 percent...". AMENDMENT: Commissioner Wagenius moved to amend Commissioner Westrom's motion by removing the words "or loan" under section (a) so it now reads "...wastewater treatment grant programs..." Commissioner Westrom accepted. AMENDMENT: Commissioner Tommassoni moved to amend Commissioner Westrom's motion by replacing $25,000,000 with "$50,000,000 or 5% of the corpus," under section (e) so it now reads "...exceed $50,000,000 or 5% of the corpus, and shall...". Commissioner Westrom accepted. RENEWED MOTION: Commissioner Westrom renewed his motion as amended to: (1) replace "xx" with "50" under section (a) on the handout titled "Fiscal Year 2020" so it now reads "...recommending up to 50 percent..."; (2) remove the words "or loan" under section (a) so it now reads "...wastewater treatment grant programs..."; and (3) replace "$25,000,000" with "$50,000,000 or 5% of the corpus," under section (e) so it now reads "...exceed $50,000,000 or 5% of the corpus, and shall..." - motion prevailed. Members agreed the next LCCMR Subcommittee meeting would be November 30th before the LCCMR meeting and staff would post Commissioner Westrom's draft document as revised. 9. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.